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I have been calling peter non stop since the school called. I am starting to freak out when the sun starts to go down.
Finally though at like midnight i heard the front door open and i quickly get up from the kitchen table and look to see it's peter looking like crap.

I say "where the hell have you been all day" he didn't answer i sigh and say "peter what's wrong" he looked up from the ground and he looked out of it and i said "what's going on" he said "i may be a little tipsy" i face palm and say "go to bed we can talk more about this tomorrow" he nodded and started to walk and almost tripped but caught himself with the wall.
I rub my hands down my face and sit down on the couch.

The next morning i heard a quick door open and close and then peter throwing up.
A few minutes later he walked out of the bathroom going back to his room and i say "peter i need to talk to you" he moaned and walked to the living room and sat down on the couch and i said "what the hell happened yesterday" he said "nothing" i said "you didn't come home until midnight and skipped school you know how worried i was i mean you don't just skip school and come home that late especially drunk what's going on" he said "nothing" i yell "goddamit peter i just want a straight answer from you for once" he flinched and he said "i'm sorry okay it won't happen again it's not like i have any friend's to do it with anyway" and then got up and i said "peter i'm sorry i didn't mean to yell it's ju-" he closed his bedroom door and i sigh.
A few hour's later i heard a knock on the front door and i get up and answer it. It was wade he looked sad and i said "hey wade i'm sorry but peter isn't fee-" he nodded and said "i know it's my fault i'm so sorry mr. Stark it's just he looked sad and i thought that it might of helped but that isn't why i'm here i just ummm i need you to do me a favor" i nod and he pulled out a folded up piece of paper and said "will you give this to him please and tell him i'm really sorry" i nod and said "yeah of course is everything okay" he nodded and said "yeah of course i just i need peter to get this" i nod and he handed me the paper and then ran away.
That night at dinner time peter finally came out of his room and i smile at him and he didn't smile back he made his plate and sat down and we all ate in silence. After we were all done peter started to walk back to his room but i say "pete wait" he stopped and i walked over and pulled the piece of paper out of my pocket and said "wade stopped by earlier and dropped this off i didn't read it but he looked upset" he nodded and took the paper i said "goodnight" he said "night" and then walked to his room and closed the door behind him.

Peter's p.o.v
I sit down on my bed and unfold the paper and start reading it.
        Peter aka charles xavier
      I need to leave and i'm sorry but i knew i wasn't going to stay here long the only reason why i stayed was because of you. There is this whole other world that i'm apart of that you will soon learn about just watch the news.
Anyway that boy that never seemed there at school when you asked he wasn't some stupid senior he was you i mean your the person who i had feelings for you and if i ever come back then i want you to consider going on a date with me even if you hate me at the time because i know you will. Over the past year that i have lived here i asked around about you and observed you. I know you have really bad panic attacks when people yell at you or touch you because of what happened last year that's why i never asked questions when you would leave randomly on days that you didn't seem like yourself and when you went on that date with harry when he pushed you up against the wall you didn't answer because you were freaking out which is totally understandable which i threatened him by the way.
Anyway i'm rambling now i hope that someday that you can forgive me because i love you and i know that you don't ever say that to anyone ever and i'm not expecting to hear it anytime soon but i hope one day i will i love you peter stark.

P.s your nickname will never be forgotten."

I smile and then i wipe my eye's and grab my phone and call him. He didn't pick up and i try over and over again but with no luck.
By the 20th time i got so frustrated that i threw my phone against the wall.
I heard a knock on my bedroom door and i just sit on my bedroom floor leaning against my bed. I put my head in my hands and then i heard my door open and i heard "peter what's going on what's wrong" i don't say anything i don't move. Tony walked closer and looked at the phone and he sat down next to me and said "what's going on" i said "he left" and he said "who left" i said "wade" he didn't say anything i stood up and said "i don't get why i didn't see this coming i mean i'm me and he's this great guy who it was already a miracle him talking to me i don't get why i thought anything else was gonna happen because they never were he was always gonna leave me behind like everyone in my life does" i feel my eye's water and tony didn't say anything but i continue "i missed a whole year of everyone's lives i missed party's and birthdays and celebrations i missed holidays i missed everything because of that stupid guy" i am starting to feel angry and i say "that freaking stupid guy that ruined my life that ruined my mind ruined my room ruined this dumb house somehow ruined my sleep he ruined everything and i can't do anything about it wade was right to leave" i stop for a second because tony stood up but i start again "everyone should leave i'm just walking disaster that is destined to be alone for the rest of my pathetic sad life" and then he hugged me and i try to pull away but he just held on tight and it made me feel better.
And i couldn't hold it in anymore i just start crying and mumble "why does it hurt so much" and then we both sat on the ground.
I ended up falling asleep but i woke up in my bed and tony was gone i look at the alarm clock and i'm 2 hour's late to school i let a breath out. My eye's hurt from crying so much last night.
I close my eyes and i heard my door open and then a few minutes later it closed again. I open my eye's and sit up and rub my hands down my face and then stand up and walk out of my room to the bathroom and after using it i walk to the kitchen and heard "hey kid are you feeling better" i look to saw nat.
I nod and said "yeah" and then got myself a glass of water and she said "i know it hurts right now but trust me it gets better" i nod and said "thanks nat" she nodded and then i walked to the couch and sat down and turned the news on like wades letter said to do.
I did that for weeks every morning and everyday after school i watched the news while doing homework and eating i wanted to see wade again and i was desperate i knew everyone was worried because of what happened that night and then the obsession with the news but i think i might be in love with wade and i needed to see him. Every night i called his phone on the new phone that tony got me after the smashing of the last one and i listen to his voicemail.
It makes me feel better and a little less alone then what i already feel. Ned found a new group of friends. He outgrew me which was bound to happen and we still kind of talk if we have the same classes together but not like before. Stuff changed. I changed. I think he changed to and i'm okay with it people are bound to change it's actually supposed to be a good thing well excluding the way i changed but i really didn't have a choice in that.

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