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I Feel my head hit something and the ground under me was warm.
I slowly open my eye's and see i'm in a car my chest started feeling tight not letting in any air i look around and see it's a van i look at the door and see a guy sitting there looking out the window holding a gun and i feel the color leaving my body and then he turned around and looked shocked to me awake and he said "you say one word and bullet in between your eye's" i nod and he went back to looking outside.
A few minutes later someone climbed in and smiled at me and i scoot as far as i could away from him.
From aldrich.
He smiled and said "i've missed you peter" i cover my ears and pull my legs to my chest close my eye's.
This isn't real.
This isn't real.
This isn't real.
This isn't real.
This isn't real.
This isn't real.
"Peter don't you know it's rude" while forcefully pulling my hands away and looking me in the eye and i couldn't breath. He smiled and said "it's okay peter i'm not going to hurt you but he will if you do anything stupid" i nod once and he said "glad that we understand" i nod feeling myself shaking and he said "you have nothing to be afraid of darling" and then rubbed his hand down my face.

This is just a dream.
This isn't real.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Come on wake up in tony's arm's please.
Wake me up tony.

Tony's p.o.v
I wake up in the morning and look around and sigh.
I rub my hands down my face and stand up and leave my room and walk to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee and then sit down on the couch and turn the tv on and watch it after a while everyone started coming out of their rooms and clint started breakfast and i set my cup down and walk to peter's room and the blanket is covering him i say "peter" but no answer.
I walk closer and shake him a little but my hand crushed the blanket revealing no one in the bed i quickly walk out of the room and down to the lab and see no one in there i search through the whole house and even called harry and wade asking if he was with one of them but they both said no and then i walk into the kitchen and everyone was looking at me and all that left my mouth was "peter's missing."

Peter's p.o.v
The truck is still moving and aldrich is still back here along with that guy with a gun.
Aldrich said "just wait peter your going back to where you belong" my eye's water.
Wake up peter.
And then everything started getting louder and brighter and i couldn't breath. I close my eye's come on peter wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up.
I felt a hand on my knee and said "peter what's wrong" and i yell "don't touch me" and he pulled his hand away and i didn't care what happened i just wanted to wake up in my bed in tony's arms.
He said "it's not nice to yell peter" i hide my face and close my eye's and tune out everything i felt the heat coming off of me and he said "okay since it takes something physical shoot him" and then a shot rang out and my whole body started to hurt and i look and see my stomach bleeding.
I couldn't breath anymore and nothing was coming in or out anymore and he said "now you know not to yell" my whole body was shaking extremely bad and i still couldn't breath i feel myself sweating and i feel lightheaded and he said "we are almost there you won't die" and then we went over a bump and it felt like someone trying to climb out of me i clench my teeth and close my eye's and feel myself slowly falling out of consciousness and he said "peter" and then everything went black and i felt better.

I wake up later and i slowly open my eye's and see i'm in an all black room. Let it be my bedroom.
I go to stand up but my body just got this instant pain and i look down and see it's all bandaged up i close my eye's and throw my head back and then the light's turned on and i'm back in that room.
I get up leaning against the wall no no no no no no no come on please tony wake me up please wake me up please. And then door opened i look to see aldrich and he smiled and said "thought you died glad you didn't" i don't say anything he said "again with the silent treatment well that just won't work for me peter" he walked closer and punched me in the stomach i instantly fell to the ground holding onto it and he bent down and said "have i made myself clear" i nod and then he said "i'll leave you to yourself" and then he left.
I layed in that position for what i'm guessing hour's or maybe even day's i don't know i just know that i didn't move and my body never stoped hurting.

Tony's p.o.v
I see a ship and i land on it and got inside of it i saw no one heard and beeping and then it exploded so i knew that it wasn't the right one. I do that for weeks and they all were duds.

Peter's p.o.v
I heard "get up you have to eat you haven't eaten in weeks" i don't because i really don't think i can he kicked my side and i clench my teeth and he yelled "get up" i tried and my whole body was shaking and i couldn't i fell back down and then aldrich walked in and the other guy left and said "heard you've been having trouble eating" i don't say anything and he said "your gonna die if you don't" i say "it's better then being here" but it was shaky and he looked down and he said "you may feel that way now but it will get better soon" and then he lifted me up to lean against the wall and pulled my shirt up but i quickly pulled it down and he said "stop i'm trying to help" and pulled my hand away and held it down then lifted my shirt up and i head butted him and got up and ran away i run down the hallway until my whole body gave up from the pain. I fell to the floor.
They must of put another shock thing in my neck and i just heard laughing and then i look and saw aldrich he said "your stomach is in infected" and then i felt someone pick me up and a sack was put over my head. And that's when the pain started.
I felt stuff cutting into and i screamed in pain the entire time. And finally after they were done i was thrown back into my room and i am laying in the floor which was freezing. I only move to pull myself closer to together and once again i lay like that for hour's barely being able to even move my fingers.

Tony's p.o.v
Peter has been missing for a month now and i'm still looking just then my phone rang and i look to see it's wade i answer and say "hello" he said "i hear screaming i think it's peter" i get up and say "what" he said "i'm on a ship and i hear screaming i think it's peter" i said "where is it" he was about to say something but the phone line got cut off and i say "friday track the phone call" he said "okay sir" and a few minutes later i had where it was called.
I quickly suit up and fly there as fast as the thrusters could go. I make it to the ship and don't see people on top i land and get inside and don't hear anything.
A few minutes later i heard screaming but not just any screaming. Peter.
I run to it but end up in a room with a computer and peter on it i watch it and i had to look away.
I heard "do you really think that i would of just told you were your son was" i turn around and see aldrich holding a passed out wade by the collar. I said "where the hell is he peter has nothing to do with you and me you are ruining his life" he laughed and said "that's the point you took something that i loved now i'm taking something you love" i said "then why don't you just kill him why tourtue him" he said "if you kill me you will never find peter" and then wade sighed and i see he was awake now and aldrich threw him to the ground.
He quickly got up dusting himself off and aldrich said "and i don't want to kill peter he's become very important to me" wade spat "pervert" aldrich pulled a gun out and shot wade through the head and i gasp and wade didn't do anything and said "what" i look at him and then he touched his head and said "oh wow" he turned around to face aldrich and said "wow dude thanks" i said "ho-how are you alive" he said "not important anyway just tell us where peter is and we won't kill you" he laughed and said "no i lost him one time i'm not going to lose him again but i will tell him you stopped by" and then he left and i said "aldrich" he turned around and i blasted him and he flew backwards and i run towards him and search him and find a button and toss it to wade and then i found peter's watch that harry gave him for his birthday i shove it in my pocket.

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