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"Peter" i still haven't moved and haven't eaten haven't done anything it's probably been about a week now and i haven't seen aldrich.
I felt pain in whole body and then i blacked out. I slowly open my eye's and try to get up but i feel myself strapped down. My heart started beating really fast and i felt a hand holding mine but my vision was blurry i can't breath i can't go through this again i can't i try to break free but i heard muffled talking and then my lids got heavy and i tried to stay awake but i couldn't.

Tony's p.o.v
We found peter passed out on the floor hugging his stomach and he looked even more underweight then when this happened to him the first time.
I carry him to a helicopter that bucky called and they strapped him down to a gernie type thing and wade was with us this time and was holding his bloody hands. He was covered in blood.
Halfway through to the hospital peter woke up and started freaking out and tried getting out but i told him "peter buddy it's fine calm down just take deep breaths in and out" and then the guy sitting back here with us put a needle into an iv thing and i said "what was that" he said "it'll make him calm down and sleep" i nod and soon enough he fell back asleep.

A couple hour's later and a lot of waiting a doctor finally walked out and talked to me and he was okay and resting. I hug him and said "thank you so so so much" he laughed and i pulled away and said "it's my job tony i'm happy to help" i nod and he said "he might be out of it when he wakes up" i nod and walk to his room and he was asleep he looked tiny and in pain.
I walk over and sit down in a chair and wait for him to wake up a few hours later wade walked in and i smile at him. He smiled back and i said "do you mind waiting in here in case he wakes up i am gonna go get something for him to eat" he nodded and said "yeah of course" i nod and said "do you want anything" he nodded no and said "okay well i'll be right back" and then i got up and left.

Wades p.o.v
I take a seat and as if on cue he slowly opened his eye's.
I sit up more and he looked at me and i smile and he kind of smiled and said "hey" i say "hi" he went to go sit up but i say "i wouldn't do that" he looked down and said "yeah your probably right" i nod and he looked around and said "where is tony" i said "he went to go get you something to eat" he nodded and then said "what are you doing here" i said "that's not important" and then the door opened and tony appeared he smiled and said "hey buddy" he said "hi" and tony looked surprised to hear a reply and then peter slowly sat up and didn't look in any pain. He ate and stayed up a while talking.
But finally he fell back asleep and i knew that was just whatever they were pumping into him but i still enjoyed seeing his smile. I made a promise to myself that i will not let anything happen to this beautiful alien (he's to beautiful to be human) ever again because i want to see his smile every day and i want to be the one causing it.

Tony's p.o.v
A few day's passed by and peter was awake here and there but he's always been happy because of the.morphine and other things pumping through his body.
His wound is healed because of his spiderman abilities. And they are slowly lowering the dosage with morphine.
Just then he woke up and he didn't smile he didn't do anything except look confused and then wade walked in with coffees and smiled at peter who didn't smile back he sat up and moaned in pain and i said "take it easy" he leaned against the back of the bed and said "what are you doing here" it was directed towards wade he said "i just wanted to see you" he nodded and then wade handed me the coffee and i said "are you hungry i ca-" he nodded no and i said "are you sure" he nodded.
A couple hour's later he fell back asleep and a doctor walked in and looked at peter asleep and then motioned me to follow him and i do and we are standing out of his room and he said "okay so since peter's gunshot wound is completely healed here are the discharge papers and i'm prescribing him so ibprophin 400 for the pain in case it hurts and when he wakes up he is free to go and i heard you mention something about nightmares so if that happens just come back here and i can add zoloft to that ibprophin and i suggest him seeing a therapist i've heard that it helps a lot" while nodding and handing me a piece of paper saying different kinds of therapy i sign the papers and then walk back into the room and sit down and pull my phone out and text steve asking if he could bring clothes for peter and he said yeah and about an hour later he walked through the door and handed me the perfectly folded pile of clothes for peter.
I say "thank you" he nodded and looked at peter and then said "are you okay" i nod and said "i'm fine are you" he nodded and said "i'm just worried about him i mean" i nod and said "i know me too" he nodded and said "well i'll see you back at home okay" i nod and then he left.
Another hour later peter woke up and i said "hey your free to go" he nodded and sat up and i handed him the clothes and he walked to the bathroom and then a few minutes later he came out wearing an oversized sweatshirt and baggy sweats that are tied as tight as they could be.
We leave the room and wade was sitting outside the room and jumped up and said "hey" while smiling peter said "hi" while slightly smiling which i was glad to see but that also means that he still had drugs in him from before.
We walk to the car and they both sat in the back and peter layed his head on wades shoulder and i drove careful so it wouldn't wake him up. We make it home and wade picked peter up after getting out and by the shocked looks on his something was wrong. We walk inside and wade layed peter down on the couch with clint and bucky.
He pulled me to peter's room and i said "what" he said "he weighs nothing" i said "what" he said "he feels like he weighs about as much as a piece of paper not a stack a piece" i said "yeah you can tell that by his clothes they are his and to big" he nodded and i said "we are just gonna have to make sure that he eats" wade nodded again and then we walked out of the room and i sit on the couch with peter laying his head on my lap messing with his hair and ended up falling asleep but waking up to bacon popping.
I look down and see no peter. I quickly get up and look around and then walk to his room and see him laying on wades chest them both asleep. I let a breath out and i heard "adorable isn't it" i turn around and see wanda.
I nod and said "i'm just glad that he has someone like wade to care for him i mean harry was great bu-" she said "he didn't love him not like how he loves wade you can see the difference you always could" i nod and said "yeah he seems more comfortable around wade then he ever did with harry" and then i heard "dinners done" and then i walk into my room and wake wade up first and he opened his eye's and smiled and then looked down and saw peter and smiled even bigger and he woke up fine which i'm glad about hopefully he doesn't have nightmares.
We all walk to the kitchen and we make plates and i look at peter's it was decently filled which i was happy about and he ate every bite which i was happy about and then we moved to the couch and wade sat with peter and not one of us ended up falling asleep.
I didn't fall asleep because of peter.
Wade didn't fall asleep because of peter.
Peter didn't fall asleep because of the tv.

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