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I walk through the halls and make it to my locker. I felt a tap on my shoulder and i turn around and see wade i said "hey" while turning back around and closing my locker and he said "i'm glad to see you back you scared me the other day you were acting all weird" i nod and said "yeah that tends to happen a lot" he smiled and said "so i decided not to ask liz out" i said "why did someone else do it or was it because of me and the other day i-" he laughed and said "slow down don't worry i just decided that i didn't really like her i actually have my eye's on someone else" i said "who michelle she's pretty cool i can put in a good word for you" he laughed again and said "no actually it's a dude" i look up at him since he was taller then me and said "what" he said "i'm gay" i said "that's great dude i'm happy for you but if your gay then how did you like liz" he said "i didn't really like her i think my body was just trying to make someone jealous" i nod and said "as long as it's not flash i'm okay with whoever it is" he smiled and nodded.
We walked to class since we have 1st hour together. There was a new boy in it though and for some reason i thought that he looked extremely good.
After class me and wade walk out of the room and he was talking about the homework and then i felt a tap on my shoulder and i turn around and see the new kid wade turned around with me and the new kid said "hey my name is harry" i said "my name's peter and this is wade" he shook our hands and said "well i just thought that i should introduce myself since i feel like we will be getting to know each other very well" and then walked away and i was standing there frozen and wade smiled and said "looks like i'm not the only one who has a crush" i smile and said "i don't have a crush on him wade i don't get those feelings" he laughed and said "just wait you'll be in each other's arm's by the end of the week" i smile and said "sounded like he wanted the bed" and wade laughed.
After school i walk out of the school with wade and i see tony he smiled and waved and wade said "you should come over to my place some time soon" i nod and said "yeah definitely have to do that soon" he nodded and then said "is it cool if i come over so we can work on the homework because i don't understand it at all" i said "i would have to ask my dad but i'm okay with it" and then we walk to the car and ask "can wade come over" he said "the more the merrier" i nod and then me and wade sat in the back of the car.
We make it back to the tower and we walk inside and walk to my room and i sit down on my bed and said "welcome" he smiled and i said "what" he said "this is exactly what i was expecting" i said "what were you expecting" he said "you to be a total dork with star wars posters old band posters pictures of your friends the classic black and grey bed" i said "have you ever even seen a star wars movie" he nodded yeah and said "of course they are the best movies to ever exist" i said "that's the truest thing i think you've ever said" he smiled at me and then sat down next to me and our hands slightly touched and i quickly pull it away and said "uhhh so what are you having trouble with i mean on the homework" he pulled it out and we worked on it for hour's and after we were done it was dark out.
I said "do you need a ride home i ca-" he said "no but thanks for helping me with the homework i would of never gotten it done without you" i nod and said "it's really no problem i umm i really like school and like the learning aspect so i catch on really fast but like it's stupid i'm sorry" while scratching the back of my neck. He smiled and said "it's not stupid it's pretty cool actually your like charles xavier only with a lot more hair" i laugh and said "and i can't actually see what people are thinking and hear them" he said "well yeah but your probably smarter then him" i look down and nod no and said "i don't think anyone is smarter then him" he shrugged and said "well i'll see you tomorrow at school professor" i smile and said "see you tomorrow dork" and he smiled too.
He left and i fall down on my bed a let a breath out and smile. I didn't end up eating dinner that night i ended up falling asleep.
The next morning i wake up early and get up and get dressed and grab my bookbag and my phone and walked out of the room and into the kitchen pouring myself a cup of coffee.
I heard "since when do you drink coffee" i look and see steve i said "i don't know i'm in the mood to try new thing's" he smiled and nodded and i look to the ground and said "steve could i talk to you about something" he turned serious and said "yeah of course what's up" i look up and said "your in love with tony right" he said "is it that obvious" i nod yeah and said "does he know" he said "if he does then i don't know but why" i said "because i think i like this person but he's interested in someone else and i don't know what to do because i mean this person is really cool an-" he said "are we talking about wade" i nod and said "yeah but he's not showing any signs i mean yesterday he called me a dork and charles xavier but that isn't flirting is it" he said "i don't know i've never actually been in a relationship" i said "oh okay" and then tony walked out and said "peter why are you drinking coffee" i said "i'm in the mood for new things" he slowly nodded and said "well if we don't leave now we are probably going to be late" i nod and chug the whole cup of coffee and almost throw up because it was disgusting.
We make it to the car and tony said "so do you like coffee" i nod no and said "it's the most disgusting thing i've had" he laughed and said "if you put stuff in it sometimes it gets better" i said "noted" and then we drive to school.
I get out and say "i'll see you after school" and before he could say it i practically run into the school. I look and see wade and i walk over and he said "what's up charles" i smile and say "i need a nickname for you" he said "i have a bunch how about awesome maybe amazing" i said "i was thinking more along the lines of annoying" he said "ouch that really hurt" i laugh and he said "do you wanna come to my place after school today" i said "i would have to call my dad but if that's okay then yeah i would love to" he smiled and nodded and then we walked to class.
After first hour harry walked up to me and said "hey peter" i said "uhh h-hey harry" he smiled and said "are you busy tomorrow night i was wondering if i could have the pleasure of taking you out on a date" i said "uhhh i will have to ummm check with my dad but i guess that would be cool i mean it would be cool not saying it wouldn't be because it wo-" wade cut in saying "you have to excuse my friend here he rambles when he's nervous he would love to go out with you tomorrow night but gotta check in with daddy first so give him your number and he'll call you tonight with the official answer" harry nodded and gave me his number and said "i'll be looking forward to that call peter" and then walked away and then i punch wade playfully in the shoulder and said "i totally had that handled" he said "blah blah blah blah that didn't look handled you looked like you were rambling and making a complete fool of yourself" i said "i wasn't" he said "oh sure" i said "like you could do any better" he said "do you wanna go on a date with me" i said "okay ha ha anyway that doesn't count i'm your best friend do it with the guy that you like" he said "he's not here today" i said "oh bummer who is he anyway" he said "you wouldn't know him he's a senior" i nod and then i said "i have to get class but during lunch i'll call my dad asking if i can go to your place" he said "sounds like a plan" i nod and then i walk away to class.

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