Chapter 8

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Horny, Henry, and Jason sat in the back seat of the cop car. "This is all your fault.." Jason muttered to Horny. "DO YOU LIKE YOUR NUTS TOO! I'VE HIT THEM BEFORE! I'LL HIT THEM AGAIN!" Horny responded. Jason shut up. As the cop car pulled up to the prison, it was a big building with the left side dedicated to the women while the right side was dedicated to the men. Horny was a little nervous since she would be in the women's prison away from Henry and Jason. She wouldn't know anybody. The cop took them out and as Horny walked towards the women's side of the prison. "HEY! HEY! HEY! SIR WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!" the cop yelled at Horny. Horny turned around, she was offended that he just ASSUMED her gender, so she thought she just might crush some more nuts. Then, she realized that she'd rather be with her husband anyway, so she just went with it. "SORRY OFFICER!" Horny responded. Officers came to take Horny, Henry, and Jason into the prison. They were thrown into a cell and locked in. Horny was angry, "UGH, I DON'T LIKE IT HERE!" Jason responded, "WHO WOULD?!" Horny was tired of Jason's attitude, "BOY YOU'RE LUCKY I'M TOO TIRED TO CRUSH YOUR A*S TO THE SIZE OF YOUR D*CK, EXTRA SMALL!" Jason felt offended by the truthness in Horny's roast, so he just sat there and cried a little. An officer came to every cage and unlocked it, "SHOWER TIME!" 

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