chapter Eighteen: so.... I Can't think of a name for this chapter..

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Toothless' POV.

After we flew around for another few minuets we touched down on a sea stack close to Hiccup's island. so, now we are resting........ and I get fish because I scooped some out of the ocean before landing.

I look to see Hiccup is still slightly fried by me from earlier. I hold back a dragon laugh.
It's his new look!

I decide to bring up a bit of the fish I was eating and offer it to Hiccup, as a peace offering.

" thanks. I'm good!" Hiccup says. He gestures to his fish on a stick.
More for me then....what the--?
I turn to see that a flock of dragons are coming.
Oh, Its a Terrible Terror flock.
Ugh. Of course it is.
One escapes with my fish and fights another for it.

I growl and hug my remaining fish to me.
My fish.
Suddenly I see a walking fish. (?!) which is soon revealed to be another Terrible Terror. I narrow my eyes angrily.

I quickly grab the fish in my mouth and pull. I win, obviously. I chomp down the delicious fish and taunt the dragon.
"Hahahaha!" I cheer in triumph.
"Prepare to die!" The little dragon snarls.
He scraped the ground with his little feet and growls. I narrow my eyes, annoyed.
Like it's gonna win, HA!
This is just wasting my time.
He charges his fire and I let out the smallest of plasma blasts, deflating him briefly.
Serves him right. You shouldn't challenge me. I'm a Night Fury.

Hiccup chuckles. "Not so fireproof on the inside, are you?" he says.
Nope. Take that, stupid Terror.
He tosses the loser Terror a fish, which it swallows whole.
Hey! Traitor.

"There you go! So..... everything we know about you guys, is wrong!"
The Terror curls up next to Hiccup like a feline, purring softly.

After a while we soar calmly back to the Cove. I savor the feeling of the air around and under my wings.
I'm free! No more dragon Queen. No more worries. No more horrible life! I new life, a new friend, and a new home! I gifted Hiccup with letting him love, but he gifted me with some tight better: the ability to fly again, safe from the Queens raft. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Yes, yes it's short. It's not really a chapter. Sorry! I guess you could say it's more like something a little sweet. Just a little.
Again, video is not mine :)
Bye now!

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