Chapter 60: Fishlegs and the ocean

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This chapter will be in third-person.


Whimpering and shivering in the darkness, Fishlegs clung to the driftwood desperately as he was tossed around in the waves. His eyes were drooping, and his arms were weakening. He knew it wouldn't be long before he would lose his grip.

Sighing, he looked around in the darkness. This whole week had been kind of terrible, he noted. Thor must be angry.

Thunder crashed high above, he flinched. Really angry.
He laid his head down against the wood, hoping and praying that the ocean would take him somewhere safe. Dryland, preferably.

His mind went back to his family on Berk. How were his parents? Hopefully, Alvin was going easy on them. They had been rounded up with everyone else and put in the great hall. What if we never get help? What will Alvin do? Fishlegs wondered, worried. The whole point of this journey was to get to Berserker island! To get help from their allies! But...if they never make it... Who will help Berk?

"Fishlegs?!" Snapping his head up from the wood, with wide eyes, he scanned the chopping ocean. Was his mind playing tricks on him?

"Fishlegs!" There it was again!

Finally, he caught sight of a small shape struggling in the water.

"Randi?!" He called out to her. He tried to urge the driftwood towards her. She was also moving towards him.

"I...where are...the others?!" she panted, finally reaching him.

"Grab on!" He told her, grabbing an outstretched arm and pulling her towards him. She clung onto the driftwood tightly with it, the other hand clutching a small bundle. "I haven't seen anyone else since we went overboard!" he told her solemnly. She nodded.

"I w-was with Britta, the mother, f-for a while...but she... She...she disappeared underwater. The l-last thing she managed to do was... h-hand me...hand m-me Tuloker." She stumbled over her words, whether from the cold or the sadness was unknown. She gestured to the bundle in her arms.

Fishlegs' eyes widened. "Is he...?" he was afraid to ask.

She nodded. "Somehow, he's still alive, yeah."

Fishlegs swallowed nervously. "We really need to find a way to land." he whimpered.

"If he still has any shot of living left, it's not going to help him by staying out here," Randi admitted. They looked around the vast, stormy ocean, that stretched on beyond eyesight. They had no idea which way it was to land. Which way it was to safety. To survival.

Hiccup's POV


What is this, Dagur?" I ask as I'm ripped away from the wall and spun around forcefully to face the man.

"This," he leans closer to me and I have to look up, "is the beginning of your Helheim adventure!"


"Boys!" He yells, staring at me unflinchingly. After a few tense seconds, he slowly smirks. "Bring him to the torture chamber!"


"C-com on, guys! T-this is a joke, right?" Hiccup let's let a nervous laugh as he is hurled along.

One of the soldiers looks down at him. "Does it look like we're laughing?" He mutters in a low voice.

Hiccup's gulps, eyes wide with fear "W-we can work this out!" He urges, trying to pull back from their grip. "You don't have to do this!"

They stop in front of a big metal door, and one of the guards breaks off to unlock it. Hiccup struggles more, but the man holding him tightens his grip, before pushing him through the door once it is open.

"Please!" hiccup begs, stumbling on his leg as pain shoots through his stump.

The men ignore his requests, instead closing the door after Dagur strolls in with a smirk on his face.

With a nod, they push Hiccup up against the wall, where chains and shackles are hanging.

They fasten shackles tightly to the struggling boy's wrists and neck.

"D-Don't!" Hiccup begs, feeling the cold metal digging into his skin.

"Are you ready, brother?" Dagur asks with a cruel smirk.
Dagur reaches to his left and pulls a chain down.

Hiccup's breath gets cut out briefly as the restraints yank him upwards, pulling him up until he is hanging well above the floor.

Dagur cackles, attacking the chain to a winch and fastening it in place so it won't slip--keeping Hiccup in his position. He slowly slides a heavy bolt across the door, sealing it shut from the inside. He gives the soldiers a hand signal, and they move to stand by the door, assuming a guarding position.

"Watch and learn, boys. Things are about to get bloody." Dagur tells his guards, who smirked in anticipation. Not just anyone is allowed to watch torture sessions carried out by Dagur, so they know they are extremely lucky.

Hiccup kicks his legs slightly as he tries to struggle free, if it wasn't for the fact that he was hanging from his wrists as well, he would be choking to death.

"There's no escaping this, Brother," Dagur mutters, grinning sadistically. He pulls out a dagger, and Hiccup let out a shaky breath.

What had he gotten himself into?!

So that just happened!

It's my birthday, so I thought, why not torture these characters!

Come to think of it...I probably shouldn't write this kinda stuff on my birthday lmao.

Alright, see you next update!

Oh, quote:

"It's not swearing; it's Australian!"

I can't remember where I heard it though. Might have heard someone say it at school? Yeah, most likely. Actually, I think I know who said it.

Alright, I'm off to write some gory tortu-- I mean, a wonderful love story.

Pfft, not.

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