Chapter 32: The Tree. (bit of a filler, soz.)

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Pic mine :)

~~Next morning, sunrise~~
Hiccup's POV.

"Mornin' bud!" I yawn as I sit up, having woken up a few moments before now. My mood darkens when I realise we're on Berk. Still.
"Hey Hiccup!" He answers casually from beside me. I look up, seeing the recently risen sun shining down though the tree tops, and reflecting onto the shimmering water in front of us. I sigh.

"Man, this would be a nice time to go flying, wouldn't it bud!" I murmur, notimg that the sky just seems to be calling to me. I crave the adrenaline rush as we fly between the clouds, the surge of excitement when free falling, the calm sensation when I look down to see the world so small, and at my fingertips, And the fact that I have no worries. All that matters is the sky and my best friend.

"Yes. The .. we get out of here, the better!" He answers, stretching like a cat as he too looks up, longing in his large green eyes. I get another pang of sadness and guilt.
This would lf never of happened if we hadn't returned to Berk. If we'd just flown straight on, out of the archipelago maybe! We would be living, and loving, a life far away from here! A free life. Just us. But no, I just HAD to come on this raid, just HAD to loose focus and cause Toothless' tail to get destroyed.

I get up and walk over slowly to where I left the saddle and go to the saddle bag. I crouch down and sift through it. Luckily, I managed to pack bread before we came for the raid. I take out the bread and toss a fish from last night to Toothless. He grabs it mid air and downs it, appreciatively.

"So.....What the heck do we do now?" I ask a few minutes later, after we've finished eating, as I sit back on my heels.

Toothless looks at me and simply says "I don't know. Don't ask me!"
I start thinking, hoping to find something for us to do. I know it's daylight now, and I know that were still stuck on this stupid island, but hey, we've gotta do something!

"We could go on a walk? I don't want to have to keep you here the whole time..." I suggest. "And the sooner we can get out of here, the better. I can't just walk into the village in broad daylight..there's too many people."

Toothless grabs his saddle in his mouth and bounds up to me eagerly.
I chuckle and help put it on him. A minute or so later, I climb on and we leave the cove through where the shield used to be.
At least Toothless can fit through it now, I think that's basically the only positive! I think as he shuffles through the space easily, and then carefully comes up the narrow path, only slipping twice.

Astrid's POV
"Ugh. Why must we be up this early?!" Fishlegs complains as he sets down some wood onto a pile we've created.

"This is ridiculous!" I agree, dropping a piece of wood hastily and dusting off my hands. "I get that the clean up is important, and I don't mind helping out, but there are like three hundred Berkians—we don't all need to be up this early! Besides it's just gonna end back up like this anyway when the dragons attack again." I logically exclaim, rolling my eyes and gesturing wildly.

"We, as young warriors, future protectors of Berk, should be preparing ourselves, not cleaning up ruble." I add enthusiastic like I'm doing a speech to thousands of people.
"And I need my beauty sleep!" Snotlout adds, ruining the vibe, and I roll my eyes.
"Yes, clearly."
"AHAHAHAHA! Funny, Astrid!" Snotlout shouts, not impressed. I just smirk, satisfied with myself, as I then trip him over.

"Aww, come on it's not that bad!" Ruff exclaims as she and Tuff carry a big plank- she being at the front.
"This is like a walk through the forest!" Tuff adds...before they trip over and the piece of wood goes flying forwards. A loud crash follows, and I wince.

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