Chapter 23: left! (took me long enough, am i right?!)

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*image above is mine*
5 KS?! WHAT?! OH MY GOD! *Hyperventilates* you are all incredible!
Hiccup's POV

We fly silently for a few minuets, the wind blowing slightly. I'm silent, but inside? It's a cyclone.
FOR THORS SAKE! How could he disown me like that?! He didn't even stop to listen to me. All he's ever thought of is the nest. Not his son. IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT THE STUPID NEST AND HIS OVERRATED VILLAGE. HE SAYS THAT A CHIEF PROTECTS HIS OWN, BUT WHAT ABOUT HIS OWN SON?! 
A tear slips out of my eye, I raise a sleeve to wipe it away.

Gods, at least I have Toothless. I know that without him I'd be still stuck on that island, and without Toothless I'm nothing. I'm just.... useless. Toothless opened up a new world for me, and I'm forever grateful for that. My...Stoick may as well get eaten by the Queen for all I care.

"I'm glad I have you, bud!" I say honestly, stroking his scaly head. He looks back at me and grins, rolling out his tongue. I chuckle lightly, cheering up a bit.

"It's just you and I for now on, Bud!" I say as we fly away from Berk.
"............just you and I..." I mumble, a few more tears falling down my cheeks.

I can't just sit here and dwell on it all! There's nothing I can do about it! It's not my fault berk are all stubborn idiots.
Okay I really need to change subject, to move on.
Onto the other problem. The queen. The Red Death. Toothless and I need to figure out a way to bring her down. Before the dragons are forced to do more horrible, horrible things.

Wait.....that's it!

()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() here on I had an entire different current of events... but I decided it was just too boring so I changed it..... that's why I had to do some tweaking before I could release this book (I had a few chapters planned at this was one of them. I wanted to make sure any chapters before it matches the plot, but ya know) !()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()

"Hey, Toothless." He looks back at me in curiosity.
"I think I have an idea to take down the Red Death......but you might not like it." he gives me a look that practically screams "Tell me..."

"Okay. H-Here me out, though. But I think we should live near the Red Death's nest and join in on the raids.....maybe try and protect those we can. I know, I know, i-its crazy. But we could figure out a way to take her down from being closer to her but not in her control, ya know, try and find out some secrets? So what do you say?" I blurt out nervously.

He looks forward then back at me. After a second he nods and I smile.

"I'm glad I can count on you, bud. Take us there!" I say and he breaks left. I hang on tightly to the saddle as he flies fast, enjoying the air as a distraction from my thoughts.

After a few minuets I pull back on the saddle. Toothless throws his wings back and turns to look at me, confused, as he hovers in place.

"I, Uh, packed a fishing net, so why don't we try and catch a fish or two?" I suggest and take out the net. "We can take our time. We're not in a hurry." He flies down towards the water surface and flies just above the surface, gliding calmly across the ocean.

I wait until I see a few fish get close to the surface before throwing the net in. I pull it out to see it's an Icelandic cod. I use my dagger to end the fish's life's and put them, wrapped in the net, into the basket.

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