Chapter 47: Plans

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Astrid's POV
(Few Hours Earlier)

As Alvin drones on, I start fiddling with my boots, trying to be as discrete as possible. Because, if I'm caught, then we have no chance.

I can't help but smirk when I manage to subtly kick my right boot off. And, just as I'd hoped, my spare knife slides out. Since my hands are bound in front, which was really stupid of the Outcast's, I am able to bend forward and grab it with my hands. I quickly and quietly start cutting though my rope bounds until they're free, making brief eye contact with Stoick, who promptly keeps Alvin busy, as my friends watch eagerly.

As soon as I'm free, I don't hesitate to release Randi, Fishlegs, Snotlout and the twins, as they're the only close ones around me. Knowing we'll be caught if we stay long, we don't release anyone else. Quickly, we duck out of the doors, staying out of sight of any Outcasts along the way, and sprint right for the forest before any outside guards can see us.

"Alright!" Snotlout cheers in celebration once we're safely all crouching behind some bushes on the forests border, pumping his first and throwing in a dance. "...And why and I not surprised you keep a knife in your boot?" He adds, stopping. I shrug.
"You can never have too much weapons!" I reply, taking a quick peak around us to see if we're alone. Luckily, I don't see anyone looking for us.

"Alright, here's the plan!" I begin, turning back to face the group with a determined expression, and they immediately stop all talk. "We wait until nightfall, then sneak back in and get them out. Until then, we have to get some supplies and build a base. Randi and the twins, you guys go into the village and see if you can get some weapons or rope or something. Be careful and quiet. Snotlout and Fishlegs you're going to memorise the guards schedules to the best you can. We will meet back here in an hour." I tell them, keeping my voice low and sharp. "Any questions?"

"Yeah, what are you doing, while we risk our lives?" Snotlout asks a little grumpily.
"I'm going to see if I can hunt us some food." I smirk, holding up my knife and striking a large x on the tree trunk beside me, so we'll know where to come back to.
"...fair enough."
"Okay. Everyone know the plan?" I check. I have to be sure, with this bunch.
"Memorise schedules and meet back here in an hour."
"Get tools and weapons. Anything we can find."

"Good. Go!" I exclaim and we all run off in different directions, being as quiet as we possibly can.

----##Third Person##----
(With Randi, Ruff, and Tuff).

"Alright. Here we are." Randi whispers as the three crouch behind a house on the village's border, hidden away in shadows from any Outcasts.
"I say we split up." Ruffnut offers determinedly with a grin, Tuffnut nodding in agreement, a plan forming in his..uh, complicated.. mind.
"No offence, but, uh..c-can you handle that?" Randi asks hesitantly, not wanting to offend them. Both twins, uncharacteristically serious, nod sternly.
"Have a little faith, geez!" Tuffnut mutters, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, fine. We meet at the butchers house in an hours time." She gives in, and for their benefit points it out, but they've been there hundreds of times anyway.  They have to get there sources for pranking somewhere! The blonde-headed, loki-loving twins nod in understanding. "And, Don't. Get. Caught!" Randi ends sternly, before creeping out into the open. Quickly, she takes off towards the fishing huts, ducking behind anything she can at any sight of an enemy. It doesn't take her long, and she's there. Quietly, she pulls open the door of first fishing hut she sees, and slips inside.

Meanwhile, Ruffnut creeps behind a lone Outcast man, with a deadly smirk on her face. She clutches a wooden plank she salvaged from a pile of rubble in one hand. She comes right up to his back, and taps his shoulder. He spins around, just to be met with a plank to the face, full force. He collapses to the ground with a grunt, and a cackling Ruffnut pulls him back into the shadows. She grabs his sword, axe, and even a knife. Once she's got the items, she grabs some rope hanging from the house next to her, and binds her victims hands and feet together. After that she gags him with his own sack of coins, and shoves him under a house so he'll be out of sight. She sits up with a satisfied smirk on her face and chuckles deviously. Then, she takes off into the shadows, waiting, and searching, for her next victim.

And just across town, one Tuffnut Lavern Thorston sneaks out of a hutm with a whole pile of things in his hands. He's chuckling deviously as he lays down a tripwire. He quickly hides in the shadows at the sound of footsteps, and watches with a smug grin as an Outcast man walks right through the tripwire like an idiot. A clang sounds, and the man falls to the ground. A bludgeon attached to a rope swinging back from the impact.
"Loki'd!" Tuffnut whispers, pulling the bludgeon down and adding it to his pile of items, that appears to include a few blankets, rope, a baby, and some kitchen!

"—don't get while we get stuck with the boring part!" Snotlout exclaims in a whisper from his position behind a bush, as he and Fishlegs watch the guards movements closely.
"It's not boring! It's important!" Fishlegs hisses at him, not taking his eyes off the group of guards they're..well, lets be honest..he's, watching. "Do you want to get Stoick out, or not?!" He adds a little louder.
Snotlout rolls his eyes and grumbles under his breath before speaking out loud. "Of course I do..I just don't get while we're stuck with this part!"

Fishlegs rolls his eyes this time, knowing that behind Snotlout's grumpy demeanour he possibly (maybe) means well. "Whatever. Just watch." He tells his fellow pouting Viking, concentrating on the guards, silently asking the gods why he's been stuck babysitting the muttonhead.

*I guess you'd call it animal cruelty, so animal cruelty ahead. I mean, it's a boar..(oops, spoiler) so...not like it's a puppy.*

Deep in the forest, Astrid creeps slowly, footsteps light and calculated as her hands clutch the knife. She wishes she could have her axe, but the Outcasts took it. So, she has to make do with what she's got.

She pauses as she hears a grunt, somewhere to the left, so she carefully approaches. There does she see a lone wild boar, lapping at some dirty puddle water. She grins, extending her knife. She counts down silently in her head. Abruptly, she rushes forward, leaping onto the boars back and sticking her knife right into its struggling and squealing shape. She pulls it out just as quickly, then stabs it right through the skull have a dozen times for good measure, doing her best to stay on the animals swinging back as sticky red blood sprays everywhere, including all over her. The beast lets out one last grunt before it slumps to the ground, Astrid tuck-and- rolling mid air, hitting the ground nearby..

Panting, she peels herself away from the ground, adrenaline still pumping through her veins. Wearily, she approaches the downed beast, sioing a patch of blood off her cheek. She kicks its head. Nothing. She smiles slightly, proud of her kill. Even though she's covered in sweat, dirt, and blood, she still manages to let out a relieved laugh. One, she didn't get pieced by its swinging tusks, two, she actually found the animal, for she was worrying she might find nothing more than a bird, and three, she got the kill.

Calmly, she grabs the large animal by its back legs, and starts dragging the creature back the way she came, taking care to not leave a trace to the best she can.

Hey guys, thanks for reading!
And Happy/sad Australia day. Yeah, you can see why people want the date changed..the past really is shameful. I'd still celebrate it if they moved the date, I mean, it's really just a day. It's not a big deal, right? It can't be so hard for them to move the date. Australians still get our sasuages every time er go to Bunnings anyway😂 so what's the big deal if we celebrate unity on another day. Sorry, little rant. Oops. 🌭🌭🌭 (I know it's a hotdog but it's that or an eggplant so don't pierce me!)

Sorry if you're an animal lover..I've gotta admit that description was kinda brutal. Makes me wanna be a vegetari...sorry, can't give up bacon. 🥓🥓

I mean, I love animals, especially horses and sugar gliders (😍)and cats, but..not all animals are worth saving. Like, are you telling me you'd go out of your way to save a red-back spider? A copperhead, or maybe a Tiger snake, that's hanging around your house and threatening you and your pets/family? A possum that keeps attacking your cat? 🕷🐍
Okay, most of them are deadly, so I think we already know the answer.

And on a completely unrelated topic..why is there no kangaroo emoji? There's a koala. A dinosaur. Even a unicorn. But no kangaroo? Rude.

No quote this time because it's already big enough.
Nothing? Eh, me too. 
🍰Eat some Cake🍰

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