The Bar Exam

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Once upon a time there was a 98-year old woman whose billionaire husband died. The woman had inherited all of her deceased husband's fortune and decided she would see if

she could remarry herself a fine young man. So, she walked into a bar and announced to all the men that she had inherited billions of dollars and would marry the guy with the

biggest d**k.

Now of course this woman wasn't all that in the looks department, as a matter of fact she looked more like a shriveled prune then a human being. But, the guys didn't care because

they knew this old lady would croak soon and they would get all that money. The woman then told the men to stiff themselves up to full erection and lay their d**ks on a long table.

They did what she said. All of a sudden, two gay guys walked into the bar, looked at the table and said "A buffet!"

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