Touring With the McDonoughs (sequel to MIWTM)

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Chapter 1:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR HALEYYYYY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAAYYY TTOOO YYYOOUUU!!" I woke up to the sound of my best friend singing Happy Birthday at the top of her lungs and jumping on my bed, trapping me inside my blanket.

"Uhh... Linds? I can't breathe!" I shouted, my voice muffled because of the cloth. She gasped, mumbling a sorry and got off my bed. I took in a deep breath and sat up, smiling sleepily at my Lindsey. You guys remember her, right? You know, the girl that froze and started stuttering when she met Before You Exit? Then yelled her brains out at me for not telling her I knew them? Yeah, I think you remember! Well, she's still there and hasn't left my side since! When we met a few days after the concert, she forced me to tell her the entire story of how I knew the McDonoughs, a story you know pretty well! Anyways, back to the present.

"Thanks... For the singing and getting off of me," I said, rubbing my eyes and glancing at my wall clock. It read 8 am. Not surprising, I thought. I'd waken Lindsey up this early as well on her birthday. Lindsey smiled widely.

"You're welcome!" she sung out, me wincing because it was loud AND right next to my ear. I pushed myself out of bed and looked up at Lindsey, who took in a deep breath. Oh boy, I thought.

"Oh My Gosh I cant believe you're 18 and you're finally an adult now and you're legal in most parts of the world and I have all of today planned and its gonna be so awesome and we are gonna get our nails done and our hair done and---" Lindsey rambled on in one breath and my eyes widened. I stood up, grabbing Lindsey by the shoulders.

"WOAH WOMAN!! HOLD YOUR HORSES!! Bbbrrreeaattthhheee!" I said, shaking her slightly. She started breathing deeply. I grinned.

"I totally get how fun today will be but lets take it one step at a time, okay?" I said slowly and she nodded, her eyes wide and hands folded together in the front. I nodded back.

"Okay... First things first. I need to use the loo and then we'll head downstairs," I said, walking to the bathroom. I know Americans didn't say 'loo' but I just loved saying it! I had no idea that me saying some words in British might actually come in handy!


Welcome to TWTM!!! :D I know its a small chapter but dont you worry! They'll get bigger on the way. :D Hope you like it anyways!






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