Chapter 19

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Haley's POV:

My hands felt numb. My voice was almost gone from all the yelling but the energy surrounding me made me oblivious to those factors.

"Thank you everyone for coming to our very first European show! You're the best!" Riley shouted in his mic before giving the crowd a final wave and running off the stage. Lindsey and I turned to each other and grinned widely before letting out a loud yell slash scream. Connor must have heard our scream as he grinned at us, jerking his head towards the backstage area. He threw his guitar pick into the crowd, causing it to go wild and he ran off, with Toby at his heels. Thomas waved his drumsticks at the crowd and followed the two backstage. I nudged Linds and she nodded. We both began pushing our way through the crowd to the backstage... And unfortunately, standing in the center of front most row didn't make that an easy thing to do. And how did we get tickets to the front and center row with the perfect view? Why don't you give it a wild guess...

"OH FINALLY!!!" Lindsey shouted with a sigh of relief. I chuckled as I showed my backstage pass to the security guard and followed her into the not-so-packed backstage area. We walked around, looking for the boys.

"Hey! There you are!!" I heard Riley shout from behind me. I turned around to find him walking towards Lindsey and I. He had already changed out of his concert clothes and was rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.

"Sorry it took us a while. The crowd is CRAZY!!" Lindsey said, waving her hands for more affect. Riley and I laughed at her weird hand gestures before I turned to Riley.

"So where are the others?" I asked.

"Right behind ya," I heard Connor reply from behind me. I grinned and turned around to face the oldest McDonough brother.

"That was so deja vu!" I remarked before laughing. Connor looked confused but his expression suddenly changed as he understood what I had meant and let out a laugh as well.

"I said that a lot when you still lived with us," he said, smiling at the memory. I smiled sadly before wrapping my arms around Connor's waist, hugging him from the side. He wrapped his arm around me, kissing me lightly on the forehead.

"HEY I WANT A HUG, TOO!!" Toby squealed from in front of Connor and I. Connor chuckled and gave me a tight squeeze before letting me go.

"Come here, you," I mumbled, turning to Toby and opening my arms. Toby grinned widely before crashing into me. I stumbled back slightly before regaining balance and laughing. Rubbing Toby's back and giving him a really tight squeeze, I slightly pushed him away before turning to the widely smiling Riley looking at all of us.

"You want a hug, Riles?" I asked him. Riley's eyes widened in surprise before he registered what I had said and shrugged slightly, walking up to me. I smiled, wrapping my arms around him.

"You were awesome tonight," I whispered to him and felt him grinned in my hair.

"You're awesome always," he whispered back, making my heart melt. I pulled away from him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Riley grinned widely as he looked down and cleared his throat. I chuckled at his reaction.

"Heyyyyy!! Where's my kiss?" I heard Toby whine. I rolled my eyes playfully before turning to him. I pecked him on the cheek and pinched his cheeks before he could register what I was doing. He jumped backwards with a small yell and began to rub his cheeks fiercely. I let out a laugh, hearing Connor and Riley laughing behind me.

"Soooo since all the love has been passed around, may I ask how your day has been?" Thomas asked, his question directed mainly towards Lindsey. I smirked at those two, glancing at Connor and Riley, who were smirking as well. Lindsey smiled sweetly, not to mention that she was trying not to blush, and was about to reply when I suddenly remembered something.

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