Chapter 21

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Haley's POV:

"And your performances on The Voice were SO GOOD! I mean the moment I heard your version of a song, I downloaded it straight away. And my favorite one out of all of them was of Dark Horse. I loved how it's so haunting and dark... Just like the name! And you looked really amazing in that performance. I really wanted to dye my hair like yours but my Mom wouldn't let me---" Lindsey rambled on for the umpteenth time since we had met Christina. I tuned my babbling best friend out and focused on the tourbus. The boys were putting their equipment away before they joined us for a walk. Since they had the next day off, we thought we'd just relax and roam around Amsterdam. We convinced Christina to join us... Which wasn't very hard to do. I mean, no one could resist Lindsey's puppy dog eyes and all it was for Connor to invite her and she immediately said yes. Something was fishy between those two...

"Oh Lindsey's still at it?" Thomas asked me as he stepped out of the bus. I stifled a laugh and nodded. He chuckled, shaking his head and looking at Lindsey. I honestly felt like making sure Linds and Thomas were something by the end of the tour!!

"Oh come on, Lindsey! Give Christina's ears a break... An ours, too!" Toby whined as he joined Thomas, Christina, Lindsey and I.

"Toby, don't be jealous that Lindsey is a bigger fan of mine than she is of yours!" Christina said. Toby mock gasped, placing a hand over his heart.

"Y-you're a b-bigger fan of C-Christina than of m-mine??" Toby asked in a really squeaky voice. Lindsey's eyes widened and she shrug lightly, giving Toby a sheepish grin. Toby pretended to faint and fell over Riley, who had just stepped out of the bus, startling him. Riley let out a surprised yelp, causing Thomas and I to burst out laughing.

"Why is Toby fainting again?" Riley asked, his voice sounding a little worried as he let out a slightly shaky laugh and held on to his little brother.

"Don't worry, Riles. Toby just fainted because Lindsey is a bigger fan of Christina's than she is of Toby," I replied. Riley's eyes widened slightly but then he shrugged, pushing Toby off of him.

"It does kind of make sense since we never really had Lindsey fangirling over us like that," Riley stated. Toby gasped again.

"You're taking her side, too?" Toby squeaked. Riley's eyes widened and he backed up, raising his hands in surrender.

"Alright, Toby. Stop acting like a drama queen," Connor said, who stood on the steps of the bus, looking at all of us in amusement.

"Christina, you've turned my family against me," Toby said, pouting.

"Aww... Im sorry... Would it change anything if I told you you're my favorite from Before You Exit?" Christina replied with a pout of her own. Toby opened his mouth and closed it immediately. He slowly walked up to Christina, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. My heart melted at Toby's reaction.

"Now that you two have made a truce, can we get a move on before night falls??" Riley said. We all looked at each other and nodded. It was already 4 pm. Walking away from the tourbus to the streets of Amsterdam, it hit me. I weaved through the group so I was next to Connor.

"Hey Connor?" he looked at me with a smile.


"What's going on between you and Ms. Grimmie over there?" I mumbled only loud enough for him to hear. His eyes widened, causing me to smirk.

"N-nothing... Why?" he replied, sounding a bit nervous.

"Well your actions speak otherwise, bro," Riley said from behind me, also smirking. Connor was speechless.

Touring With the McDonoughs (sequel to MIWTM)Where stories live. Discover now