Chapter 8

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Braiden's POV:

"Happy birthday, Haley," I heard myself say in the video for the umpteenth time before the screen went black. I groaned and crashed back into the couch in my room. I had planned so much for that moment... So much I could've said but NOO, I chose 'Happy Birthday, Haley'. I slapped my hand on my face, letting out another groan. My phone suddenly rang, making me jump. I fished it out of my pocket and after dropping it a couple of times, I finally picked it up.

"Yo, Con!" I said.

"Hey, Braiden! How's packing going?" Connor asked from the other line. I felt my stomach knot as I gulped and glanced around my neat room.


"That hard, huh?" Connor chuckled. I took in a deep breath.

"Yeah well... Its Europe so... What do you expect? I mean so much to pack in so little time, you know?" I replied with much effort.

"I know right? I have the EXACT same problem! I can't even decide which shirts to keep and which to leave at home. I mean, I want to look my best for our first tour but I also want to stay casual and..." I sighed in relief as Conner bought my lie. The truth was that I hadn't even STARTED packing for tour! I didn't even know if I was going on tour. I sighed, forgetting that I was still with Conner on the phone.

"Hey, whats wrong?" Conner asked suddenly and I froze, whacking my brain for an answer.

"Oh, uhh... N-nothing man. Just... I'm a little tired. I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah sure, bud. See ya!"

"Bye," I mumbled, hanging up and putting my phone back into my pocket. I rubbed my eyes and looked around my room. How was I going to tell the guys?

"Man, this is gonna be easier said than done," I mumbled, sighing. The clock struck 3 pm. 'I'm tired'... Another stupid excuse. Great. I pushed myself off the couch and walked out of my room. Time for a walk... A long one.


Small chapter, i know. So sorry! :( Anyways... Happy Halloween, guys!! Do tell me what you guys dressed up as in the comments. :D

Peace!! xxx

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