Chapter 4

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Haley's POV:

I gaped at the contents of the envelope. I was glad that my jaw hadn't dropped to the floor... Yet. I slowly looked up at the excited faces of my mother and best friend. I blinked a couple of times and gulped, trying to find some words to say to them.

"Uhh... M-mom and... And Linds... Umm... W-why are there... T-twenty THOUSAND D-dollars in... In t-this envelope??" I choked out, still not believing my eyes.

"Well, they... Are for..." Mom began, looking at Lindsey to help her out.

"For a trip around Europe that you and I are taking together!" Linds squealed, seeming unable to control her excitement. She grabbed my hand and started bouncing up and down. I looked at Mom with even wider eyes and with a bouncing arm.

"Trip? Around E-Europe? Are you serious?" I asked, my voice also going into a squeak. Mom smiled widely and nodded.

"What she said's true, Haley. Your Dad and I talked about it and... We both think that you are capable of handling yourself and you... You deserve this," Mom replied and I heard her voice break a little as she searched for the right words to continue with, " Haley dear, you've been fighting for so many years... Ever since you were put into that orphanage... To get what you truly wanted... A... A family and now... Now that you have one, its our duty to keep you as happy as we can and--" Mom trailed off, sniffing and looking at the ceiling. Linds stopped bouncing and let go of my arm but I only stared at the most wonderful woman I had ever met in my life, who I was so so happy to call my mother. I felt tears blur my vision as I slowly walked over to Mom, putting the envelope on the counter.

"Oh Mom..." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around her. A sob left my mouth as I tried to control myself. I heard Lindsey sniff.

"Thanks so much..." I mumbled, tightening my grip around my mother. She did the same.

"Oh you are so welcome, Haley," Mom whispered. I smiled and let go of her. Mom wiped the tears off my face, making me smile wider. I turned around and looked at my best friend, who was looking at us with glassy eyes. I chuckled.

"Come here, you," I said, opening my arms. Linds walked over to me and I crushed her into a hug, which she gladly returned. After letting her go, I looked at both ladies in front of me.

"Thanks, the both of you. This... This means... Wow... It means so much..." I trailed off, glancing at the envelope. I heard Linds take in a deep breath. I turned to her.

"Okay. Now that all the chummy chummy is finished, can we move on to the exciting bit?" she said, making my Mom laugh. I chuckled, giving her a 'are you kidding me?" look.

"There's something even more exciting than this?" I asked. She nodded vigorously.

"OF COURSE there is! Your birthday just started! We're gonna head to the mall and get you new clothes and shoes and jewelry and--" she rambled on.

"I GET IT!" I said loudly and Linds inhaled sharply.

"AND on the way there, I... You Mom and I'll explain our plan for Europe to you. You should've let me finish, you know?" my best friend said, fake frowning at me. I let out a laugh and messed up Lindsey's hair. She yelped and immediately fixed it and for a quick second, I was reminded of Toby. Lindsey noticed my sudden change of expression.

"You... You miss them, huh?" she asked quietly. I smiled slightly and nodded.

"More than anything," I mumbled. Lindsey rubbed my back with her hand. I looked at her and smiled.

"Didn't you have a day planned for me?" I asked, causing her to laugh out loud.

"LETS GO LETS GO LETS GOOOO!!!" she shouted, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door of our house. I looked behind me at Mom.

"MMOOOOMMM!!! COME ON BEFORE SHE MAKES ME LEAVE WITHOUT YOU!!" I whined and heard Mom's laugh from the kitchen.

"MOM TO THE RESCUUUEEEE!!!" Mom shouted, running out of the kitchen and to the door. Lindsey and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. Mom grinned at us and picked Lily up in her arms. I took the house keys from her and locked up the front door as we stepped out of the house. Its gonna be one heck of a day! I thought and grinned. Little did I know that it really was going to be that way!


I AM SO SO SO SORRY FOR SUCH A BIG DELAY!!! :( I've been so busy with a wedding and school starting that I didnt have time to write! :( Hope you guys can forgive me and like the chapter. :)


PEACE!! xx

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