Chapter 11

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Haley's POV:

"Say something I'm giving up on you. I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you..." I sang in my empty house as I moved from room to room with a cleaning cloth in my hand. Even though sometimes the house felt too quiet when I was alone, I managed to fill that silence with some singing. You might be wondering where everyone was. I mean, it WAS a Saturday, after all! Well, Mom and Dad had work and Lily had to go to the doctor for her vaccination so Mom dropped her at the daycare while she worked.

As I cleaned the tables in the upstair hallway, I heard the doorbell go off. I furrowed my brows and quickly washed my hands before skipping down the stairs.

"Who could that be?" I muttered to myself as I walked towards the door. The bell rang again.

"Coming!" I called as I reached out and turned the doorknob. Upon opening the door, my eyes widened as I inhaled sharply. Standing in front of me were five smiling... No, grinning boys who I hadn't seen in six... Yes, SIX whole months. I felt my jaw drop as a grin made its way onto my face. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was frozen in my spot, with one hand on the doorknob and the other limp by my side.

"HALEY!!!" Toby shouted as he pushed pass Connor and crashed into me, giving me a bear hug. I stumbled backwards slightly as I let out a laugh and returned the hug.

"TOBY!!" I shouted, grinning widely. He had grown taller... A LOT taller that my head was reaching his collarbone. But that didn't change the way I felt about the kid. He was still my little Tobster.

"Hey its my turn now!" I heard Riley whine as I gently pulled Toby away from me. Riley came into view and I grinned widely.

"RILEY!!" I squealed as I pulled him into a hug.

"I missed you so much, Haley," Riley muttered into my hair. I felt my vision go blurry.

"Missed you too, Riles," I managed to say.

"My turn?" Connor asked and I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with a smile that I had grown to love so much. He placed a hand on Riley's back, who reluctantly let me go. He swiped the back of his hand over his eyes as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I glanced at Connor... My big brother.

"Why is it that I end up crying when I'm near you?" I whined, letting out a chuckle. Connor chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back tightly as I buried my face into his shirt.

"Because thats what big brothers are for," he whispered as he stroke my hair. I sniffed loudly as I pulled away from him. I took in a shaky breath as I turned to the remaining two boys of Before You Exit. Thomas smiled at me warmly as he walked up to me. I smiled back as I wiped my eyes.

"Sorry, Thomas," I mumbled, embarrassed at my current state.

"Hey, no need to apologise," he assured me as he wrapped his arms around me. A few seconds later, we pulled apart.

"Its amazing to see you again, Haley," Thomas said, smiling widely.

"You too, Drummer Boy," I replied, grinning. Thomas grinned back as he moved out of the way. My gaze went to the last boy standing who hadn't hugged me yet. As our eyes locked, my smile faded. I hadn't seem him in so long. Oh... My...

"Braiden..." I whispered as I ran to him, crushing him in a hug. He returned the hug with the same force.

"Oh my gosh..." I heard him mutter as he tightened his embrace. I did, too and shut my eyes.

"You have no idea how much I missed you," Braiden whispered. I couldn't say or do anything. All what had happened was so much for me to handle in such a small time. Braiden took in a deep breath as he gently pulled us apart but he still held onto my arms. I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back and his hand gently wiped the tears off of my face. His hand stayed on my cheek. I chuckled as I placed my hand over his and looked him in the eyes. Raw emotion flashed through his eyes as he laced our fingers together and brought our hands down. He took a step closer to me.

"Braiden... The others..." I began, turning my face around. Braiden used his other hand to keep my face from moving.

"Their already in the living room," Braiden said softly, smiling. That was when I heard the sound of our TV from the living room. I leaned my head against Braiden's shoulder as I groaned.

"Talk about being oblivious," I mumbled, my cheeks heating up. Braiden let out a laugh as he wrapped his arm around me loosely.

"You're not the only one," he said, pulling me away from him so he could see my face.

"Wait... Are you... BLUSHING??" Braiden asked with a grin. I half-groaned, half-laughed as I hid my face in my hands, causing Braiden to laugh out loud.

"Stop it!" I whined, punching Braiden on the arm.

"Yeah, what she said!" Toby shouted as he ran up to me, wrapping his arms around me. I turned my head and planted a kiss on Toby's cheek. His eyes widened as blood came rushing to his cheeks. I grinned, turning back to Braiden.

"Guess who's blushing now?" I remarked. Braiden let out another laugh and clutched his stomach. I laughed, too, turning to wrap my arm around the Tomato Red Toby (TRT) and directed him to the living room.

"Haley!!" Connor and Riley called out in unison, glanced at each other at their unexpected syncing and started laughing. I grinned at them and dropped the dazed TRT on a nearby couch. Thomas glanced at Toby and waved his hand in front of Toby's face, who blinked a couple of times and looked around, snapping out of his daze. I giggled.

"Welcome back to planet Earth, Toby," Braiden said from behind me, grinning. I grinned, too.

"Okay, what happened that you guys aren't telling us? Why is Toby all... Dazed?" Riley asked, glancing from Toby to me to Braiden. We three exchanged glances.

"Umm..." I began. Toby's eyes widened as he shot up from the couch, covering my mouth with his hand.

"NO!" he shouted.

"Haley gave him a kiss on the cheek," Braiden answered Riley with a smirk on his face. I stifled a
laugh as Toby's eyes widened and his hand, that was covering my mouth, fell to his side. He slowly turned to face the shocked Riley and Connor.

"YOU KISSED HIM?!? BUT WE'RE OLDER!!" they shouted together. I chuckled.

"Come here, you two," I barely said as those two flew to my side. My eyes widened momentarily at their speed. I smiled as I both of them on the cheek.

"Happy now?" I asked. Connor and Riley glanced at each other, turned back to me and nodded vigorously with wide grins. I chuckled and glanced at Thomas, who was enjoying the show from the couch.

"You don't want a kiss too, do you?" I asked Thomas.

"Oh no no! I'm good, thanks," Thomas replied, letting out a laugh.

"Phew!" I said, wiping imaginary sweat off of my forehead. I glanced at the wall clock that struck 2 pm.

"So... Now that you guys are all content with your kisses, how about something to eat?" I asked them. I heard different forms of affirmation and looked down at myself.

"Well, since I still have to change out of these clothes, I might as well mess them up a little more," I said to myself.

"Why?" Braiden asked. I smiled at him.

"I, being the AMAZING hostess that I know I am, will cook you boys some incredible tasting lunch," I announced with a grin. The boys glanced at each other immediately.

"Not by yourself, you aren't!" Connor said and sprang up from his seat.

"Boys, towards the kitchen!" Riley shouted, springing up as well and the boys ran past me towards the hallway leading to the kitchen.


"I DO!!" Braiden shouted back. I chuckled and slowly followed them. I recalled all that happened in the past hour and grinned. What a day...


NEW CHAPTER ALERT!! :D Not as early as last time but not that late either!! Haha!! THEY'RE FINALLY TOGETHER AGAIN!! Sooo happy right now!! :D ^_^ Anyways, please ignore my fangirling and enjoy the chapter. :P


PEACE!! xxx

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