Chapter one゚・:*。

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There will be decisions in this, if you see red/blue in bold lettering, it means you choose which one you want.

By the way, swearing will be consistent.

(Y/N pov)

You scroll lazily through Instagram as you lay on the couch that came with your newly bought house. To your surprise, you hear swift knocks from your front door. You're confused,

'I wasn't expecting anyone..' you pondered.

As you open the door you take a moment to register who this is.

Then it hits you;

Your biggest YouTube crush is standing at your door, welcoming you to the neighborhood.


A series of annoying rings fill my ears as I wake up from my well needed slumber. The clock read 8:30 am when I threw my hand over the snooze button before sitting up with a yawn, stretching my arms up high. My (e/c eye color) eyes meet the small bedroom, that could just barely fit the decently sized bed I awoke on. When I tried to move my legs, they felt numb. As I looked down to see the culprit of the numbing of my legs, I see the giant Saint Bernard I call, Bee.

"Bee, please free me from jelly leg prison," I groaned, still grumpy and tired from having to listen to the alarm clock wake me from such a peaceful sleep.

The Saint Bernard just stared at me with her tongue out before finally hopping off the bed, releasing her weight from my legs.

Soon after I sat on the side of the bed, shaking my legs a bit before regaining all strength in them. I left my vlogging camera on my nightstand, so I grabbed it and clicked it on before turning it towards me.

"Hey guys! Welcome back to (Y/L/N your last name) vlogs! Oh man, that sounded so typical," I joked before I continue,

"Anyways, I basically just got up and look like absolute trash," I laughed as I pointed at my mess of what shouldn't even be considered hair that sits a top my head.

"I would've gotten up sooner if it wasn't for this pooper," I turn the camera towards Bee, who happily wags her tail,

"who was just chilling on my legs as I woke up. And I'm absolutely not kidding you when it felt like my legs were going to fall off," I giggled.

I cut the camera and bounced into the kitchen before starting it again and practically screaming,


This was something I did every morning for my videos, its become a norm to record a montage of me cooking whatever I felt like that morning. I don't have the nicest kitchen, but it does its job.

I decide to make pancakes/veggie omelet. When I set the camera in a preferred angle, I get to cooking. Usually, it's me over exaggerating the cooking, when it really isn't that exciting. Music is a big aspect in this.

Usually I'm dancing like a freak to it, just having fun creating fun content for my fans.

At this point, I'm half way to a million, and so grateful for it. At the end of the montage I click the camera off because I got a face time call from Zane, my best friend.

Zane is a vlogger, like me. But he's in a group called the vlog squad, it includes so many people that it's hard to list all of them. Zane lives in LA, and I live in (H/T home town) ,regardless, we talk all the time and we always share each others videos for clarification that its a good video. Or if this skit was too much, or if this skit was too little. Things like that.

But, Zane being my best friend isn't the only reason I watch his videos. You see, Zane has another best friend, and his name is Matt King. I've been crushing on him for so long, and Zane always teases me about it, because he knows he can just bring me to LA and have me meet him.

"Why don't you come to LA? I have no problem letting you crash at my house for a week. C'mon! It'll be so fun! And you can meet Matt~" he sang.

"Zane! Ugh, yeah I'd love to come. Absolutely NOT ready to meet him. He probably doesn't even know my channel exists," I whined.

"Oh baby you know I already showed him your videos, right?" He responds with his girly voice I love so much.

"Zane what the fuck! Oh god he probably thinks I'm a loser! I'm so weird..." I groaned, thinking about how if I did meet him he'd just know I'm a weirdo. I just hope Zane said nothing about my huge crush on him.

"It's okay! He didn't say you were weird, girl! To be honest, he didn't say much, he laughed a lot, I'll tell you that, hun." Zane responded. Just the thought of Matt laughing at me and not in a bad way, just makes my stomach feel all tingly inside.

Soon enough, Zane had to go, David, basically the leader of the vlog squad, was hitting him up for a skit. We said our goodbyes and I thought about LA.

'Little does he know..'


Thanks for reading so far! I thought I'd post my schedule:

Monday - Friday - post days

Weekend (sat and sun) - Break days

inseparable - A Matt King x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now