Chapter 8

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                                 Word count: 929
         Soon enough Zane and I left and went back to his house to hang out, since he has actual furniture. I only have an old red couch that came with the house.
After a few hours of hanging and laughing about at Zane's house, I packed back up what I brought to his house to my new house. The house I bought had three bedrooms, one for me, one for when I get a roommate, and a guest room. The place was pretty spacious and I'm glad it at least came with new kitchen appliances and a few old dressers here and there. I absolutely love the red couch that sits in the living room, collecting the small particles of dust all around the house. Obviously, I dusted it so I didn't get s butt full of dust on my ass. Like who wants dust all over their ass? Now this is where I sat, I was editing the video I recorded of me showing Zane my new house. I had been sitting here for a while, Bee, (meh ahaha i made me the dog ;) ) my Saint Bernard, sat at the other end of the couch l, lightly snoring. I gave her a nudge after I got the reminder from my phone to fill her food and water bowl. Carefully, I set my laptop on the couch as I get up. Bee gets the memo and hops off the couch, stretching her huge body across the floor before waiting patiently by her food bowl. Ironically enough, her bowl had a cute little bee on it, while the rest of the bowl was striped black and yellow. Want to know the funny part? The first day I had Bee, she got stung by, well, a bee. She stupidly tried to play with it, accidentally ate it and while it was in her mouth, it stung her. It was terrifying for me at the time but she still wagged her tail the whole way to the vet. I smile to myself, imagining when she was a small and comparing to how big she is now.
I snap out of my daydream to a knock at the door.
Who could that be? It can't be Zane, he already was here before.
Quickly I put the food in Bee's bowl and rush to the door,
"Coming!" I reassuring yell as I slide across the polished wood floors.
I grip the handle of the door, hurriedly opening it as if they've been waiting for hours, when it's only been minutes.
"Hi, can I hel-" I stop in the middle of my sentence. My face drops and I feel heat rising to my cheeks as I nervously smile at the person waiting to be welcomed into my home, waiting at my door.
My biggest YouTube crush is standing in my doorway, welcoming me to the neighborhood.
"Y/N? You live here?" Matt asks, one of his eyebrows raised, and his perfect blue eyes sparkling in the dim sunlight.
"I- I do now. I surprised Zane with me living in la now." I have a sudden realization as I stutter about my words,
"Wait, are you my neighbor or something?" Instead of m face feeling hot it turns cold. I can't deal with living next to the fucking cutest guy I know. Oh dear fucking god, I hope he says no.
"Y-yeah," he says with his hand rubbing the back of his neck, his mood obviously changing to awkward at the sight of my dumbfounded, pale face. "I live right there to the left of your house."
"T-that's cool..oh! Would you like to come in?" I ask as I finally notice what he has in his hands, it's a plate of chocolate chunk cookies, they look fresh too.
Excitedly I exclaim, "Oh! Cookies!" somehow the cookies diverting my attention front the fact that my fucking crush is in my house, making me smile by the scent of melty chocolate.
I look back up to him, his smile as beautiful as ever, but his cheeks, tinted with a soft pink as he sheepishly smiles at my dumbfounded ness for cookies.
"Ah right, um, you can sit on the couch I'll get some paper plates for those?" I ask, my mood lifted.
"Sure, I guess that sounds good." He replies as he hands me the platter and beads to ten couch.
Bee notices someone new and as she does, jumps on him. She licks his face, knocks his glasses off as he laughs at the big dog.
"Bee! Down! Go eat your food, Bee." I scold her and she listens.
I bend down to pick up his glasses and as I look up he's staring intensely at me.
I laugh, "is there something on my face?"
He snaps out of it, obviously embarrassed. "No, no! It's just, well.." he stops. "Nothing, it's nothing."
I hand him back his glasses and go back to the kitchen to finally get a hold of those cookies.
After I get back we talk for what seems like hours.l and holy shit, it has been hours. 3, to be exact. I feel like I know him so much more now and he knows more about me.
This is a start. A start to me getting closer to him..falling in love with him more than I already was.

A/N WHATS UP IM BACK! hope you liked it, I got a lot more detailed and sorry it's short. Ily all thank you for being patient with me 💗

inseparable - A Matt King x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now