Chapter three・:*

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A/N Warning: there will not be smut in this, but a fairly adult thing. SO be wary of it. Also yes, Matt is in this chapter, finally.

1197 words

'I wonder who it will be..' I wondered.


I'm really excited to meet more of Zane's friends, but I'm really nervous for this skit. What if I mess up? What if the person we're pranking realizes who I am? I mean, I know I'll have a mask on, but I do make vlogs and I'm pretty recognizable. My (H/C hair color) is a big feature and anyone can spot me with it.

Zane didn't really give me many details about it. I only know I'll have a mask on and I guess slightly revealing clothing, not too much because of me being comfortable with myself. Then I guess the person will be sitting in a chair, with a cloth over their eyes, covering their hair, too. There weren't any other details, and knowing David's vlogs, there will be something I wasn't told that I was going to do.

They told me get whatever clothing I want, just make it a little sexy, I guess. I'm not uncomfortable wearing this type of stuff, I'm no stranger to sexy clothing. Although I don't have much of it, I use what I can.

I picked out a laced black/red tube top and high waisted black shorts. I figured black/red was kind of sexy, but not too much. They said the mask they got would go with anything, so it didn't matter what color.

Soon, I was dressed and ready, I just curled my hair a bit, and adding a soft face of makeup to make up (ha) for the revealing outfit.

(Zane POV)

I was surprised when Y/N agreed to it, I feel bad about not telling her that extra part. I'm just going to let David tell her so she's mad at him instead.

"Y/N! Are you ready? David's texting me right now, cause baby we gots to go!" I called for Y/N as I saw her finally come out of the room and downstairs.

"Is this a good outfit?" she asked me.

"That's a great outfit, you got good taste. The black/red looks good on you!" I responded.

"Thanks, I tried," she laughed.

Soon enough we got into my car and drove to David's. I told her that she has to stay in my car until the certain person gets their eyes covered. I thought it'd be a good time to tell her, but I waited.


We got to David's house and I was clenching my stomach, I feel so nervous. Why do I feel so nervous? Shut up, Y/N, stop freaking out. You'll be fine. Everything will work out fine.

I let out a shaky breath as I watch Zane go inside and David greet him. It seems the person being pranked is already here, as I saw someone with a cloth over their eyes, sitting in a chair.

I'm exited to see who it is, but nervous at the same time. What if I really want to be with this group and have fun, then I help prank them and they hate me?

I let out more shaky breaths, trying to collect myself. After some breathing, I feel okay again.

Zane come's out and tells me I can go in now.

David pulls Zane and whispers to him.

(Zane POV)

"You didn't tell her she's literally giving Matt a lap dance as the prank?" David whispered angrily to me.

"I may have forgot that detail, then wanted you to tell her because I don't want her to be mad at me! She's like my best friend, dude." I responded, trying to be quiet.

"Okay whatever, I'll go tell her, you go stand by Matt," he tells me as I let out a sigh of relief, happy that I don't have to be the one to tell her.


After Zane and David's whisper session, David came over to me.

"Hey, are you Y/N?" he asked.

"Yes that's my name. What will I be doing for this prank?" I stuttered.

"Alright, so I guess Zane really didn't tell you. Well, first of all, have you ever given someone a lap dance?"

I nod nervously, almost embarrassed.

"Uh..yeah that's what you're doing as the prank. Because he won't expect it."

"Who are we even pranking?" I ask.

"Shh, we have to get started." he whispered to me. Did he avoid my question..?

Soon enough David's camera was on and I was in the middle of putting my mask on. He was whispering to his camera, and I couldn't really hear much except for, "lap dance" and "prank"

"David?! What's going on why am blindfolded? What animal are you putting on me this time?!" I hear the person sitting in the chair. The voice seems familiar but I brush it off.

David touches his own shoulders and tells me to go touch the guy in the chair on the shoulders to start it off. I do that and the dude flinches, "What is that?!" he yells.

Again he motions to continue because it's already funny.

Slowly I put my arms around the neck of him and sat my knees on the sides of the chairs.

"Who is that?!" he says as he goes to take his blindfold off, but David is too quick to shut that down.

I plopped my ass down and did the unexpected. No one told me to do this, I just felt like it was a moment.

I leaned in, and kissed the guy, everyone freaked out because no one expected it. Surprisingly he kissed back.

In the middle of this David takes the blind fold off, my eyes closed as I'm making out with a guy I just met.

I open my eyes and feel a panic attack coming up.

I just fucking made out

With Matt. Fucking. King.

I fall back off the chair as I yell.

"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck.." I repeat over and over.

"ZANE!" I scream, "Why did it not come across your mind to fucking tell me it was MATT. FUCKING. KING."

"I'm sorry! I knew you wouldn't do it if you knew it was him!" he responded.

I covered my face, I literally just made out with my crush. And I didn't know it was him. I'm so embarrassed.

"Is she okay?" I hear Matt say.

"Not really. Kind of dying." I respond in an angry tone.

"Is it a bad thing it was me basically making out with her or..?" Matt says to Zane.

"No bitch she li-" I cut him off by jumping on Zane.

"Shhh!" I shush him.

"Who are you?" Matt asks me.

"I think you'll learn in the near future. For now, I'm just the girl who helped David Dobrik to prank you. The girl with the mask." I told him, not breaking from a straight face.

A/N Sorry it's so cringy. I'm not a good writer, I know.

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