Chapter 7

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(A/N) ok so zane could very well recognize something in this chapter but woOOAHH he's so happy bout yo house he don't notice. you'll learn soon but like if you pay attention to the first little italics thing in chapter 1, you'll figure it out. haha i'm such a great writer (lmao no)


Today is the day. I couldn't wait anymore to show Zane my house and tell him I'll be living not that far from him. LA will be my new home, where I'll build new friendships and grow closer to my best friend.

I pull out my camera and face it towards Zane.

"Zane~. I got quite the god damn surprise for you today honey!" I say with excitement in my voice.

"What..? What do you mean baby?" He responds, with a tint of nervousness yet mostly curiosity.

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?" I ask him, "Get dressed babe, cause' we going in my car for a little ride."

"OK baby hold on." I cut the camera and wait for him.

After 15 minutes or so he comes out fully dressed, "Are we goin'?" he asks.

"Yeah lets go." I respond.

I vlog and drive, bad I know, but it's funny because the whole way there Zane is wearing a blind fold, so whenever we hit a bump in the road he freaks the hell out. Thanks for the content, buddy.

"We're here~" I exclaim with the same excitement as before we left, "Here I'll help you out the car." I put the camera down again and help him out, soon after pulling it back up again.

"Okay! On three I'm going to take your blind fold off...1...2..." I place my hand on the side of the cloth, "..3!" 

"What the - is this - Y/N!" he screams with happiness.

"Yes! This is my house, I hope you don't get sick of me because I'm staying here forever!"

"Oh my god baby I'm so happy, you don't even know. I'm so excited you're in LA, with your own house! How did you keep this from me?" 

"You'd be surprised how hard it was. I had to go here first to drop off my other suitcase, and every day I'd go here to feed Bee. Then, I'd take her to the doggie daycare so she wouldn't be lonely. I'm surprised you didn't ask about her." I explained.

"Holy shit, that's where you went 3 times every day?" he asked.

"Yep! Anyways, thank you guys for watching, go down below and subscribe, like and comment whatever you want! See you all in the next one, bye!" I tell the camera before covering it with my hand.

"Can I see inside?" Zane asks with a wide smile on his face.

"Yeah! Be careful though, Bee might attack you with kisses and cuddles. She hasn't seen you in so long." I tell him, warning him about my giant Saint Bernard.

I showed him around my empty house, Bee trotting along behind us as we walked. It's homely and comfortable, I'll admit. I'm proud to be here. In the span of two days in LA I've gained so many subscribers, which means so many people to support and love me.

Soon enough Zane and I left and went back to his house to hang out, since he has actual furniture. I only have an old red couch that came with the house. 

(a/n) omfg i'm sorry this is short and cut off but i literally am writing this before i'm being told to go to bed and most likely i'll add onto it when I get home tomorrow except i'm going swimming when i get home somewhere with my brother so whenever i get back from that i'll continue. again i'm sorry :(((

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