Chapter six・:*

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A/N How does this have any votes nevermind reads at all!? thank you guys for supporting me. it inspires me to write <3

1168 words

"I like you. You're nice..I like you a lot." I drunkenly giggle as he obviously gets flustered. Quickly, he pulls away and shuts the door to the passenger seat, while going to the other side and opening the door to the driver's seat.

Soon enough we're driving, and I drift off, thinking about Matt, and the night I just had.

SETTING: Back at Zane's house, a certain visitor from last night came by.


My head is pounding. It feels like someone is using my brain as a drum set. What happened last night? I remember at least six beers and then it all went to a blur. I'm sure David got it all on camera, and that it would be up sometime I guess I'll find out.

How did I get home? I'm pretty sure Zane was just as drunk as I was. Did Heath..? No, he was also super drunk..

Everyone was drunk except...Matt. That's right..he took me and Zane home. I really hope I didn't say anything stupid to him. Or do anything stupid with him. 

I slowly lift myself up, soon stumbling back onto the bed, holding my head. The pounding continues. 

"Zaaane.." I cry, hoping he can at least bring me some Advil so I can get up.

"Yes baby?" I look at him in my doorway, and to my surprise, he seems like he's not having as bad of a time as me. 

"Okay, ugh, first, how do you not have a pounding head?, and second, can you please bring me some Advil, I literally can't get up." I pout, holding the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger.

"Oh honey I'm so used to it I don't even remember what a pounding head feels like. And of course I will baby, I'll be right back. And hun, put a big hoodie on or something, you're in your undies." So that's why he was looking down at the floor.

Wait, what the fuck? Who undressed me? Oh my fucking god..

Matt. He was the one who took me home..did he literally just strip me of everything except my undergarments? Oh man that guy is gonna have some lecture next time I see him. 

"" I say as I quickly grab a blanket to pull over myself, obviously embarrassed. 

After Zane leaves I grab an over sized (favorite band) (a/n mine is Panic! at the disco fite me) shirt that I left on my bed. The shirt going past my underwear, but the neck not too far so you can see my boobs. (a/n lol i have tater tot bewbs so i'd have nothing to show lmaooo) 

Soon enough, Zane comes back with Advil and a small glass of water, also bringing a relieved look on his face, seeing the big t-shirt.

"Thank you so much, I couldn't take that pounding anymore." I thank him, immediately taking a couple Advil and swallowing them down. 

(a/n omfg guys i'm just realizing now i forgot about ur dog lmao okay so she's been at your house and i'll explain that. basically u go every morning to feed her and in the middle of the day u take her out to a dog day care so she can be properly pampered so she won't get lonely. ok? thx i don't feel like going back and writing her in but she'll be back soon ok I'M SORRYYY)

"No problem, hun. Come out soon, I made pancakes." he told me.

"Frozen or mix?" I ask.

"Homemade, you frozen hoe." he jokes, obviously I laugh. It's funny.

"Alright, I'll be out in a few. And if there's anyone out there that I should be aware of, can you tell me now?" I question him, since obviously he's been forgetting important details lately.

"Right, hmm," he walks towards the door and as he exits he says, "..just Matt."

"W-Zane Hijazi what the fuck!" I yell as he leaves. I hold the bridge of my nose again before deciding to stomp into the kitchen with my arms crossed.

I immediately stop to see Matt, his blue eyes staring intensely back at me. I immediately feel heat rise to my cheeks. Who wouldn't blush to see this blonde mess I call my crush..

"Um, hi.." I shyly say after turning my face toward the area of the pancakes. Slowly making my way toward them before grabbing a few.

"Hi Y/N." he tells me, which made me tense, since I had no idea he even learned my name since last night. Well, he was sober, so I guess it's not hard to believe. 

"So you know my name now..?" I question.

"Hmm, well, last I recalled, your name isn't (a name that's not yours lol)." he jokes with his cute little dorky smile.

I find myself staring into his piercing sapphire eyes, my face turning red once again.

"Sorry if I said anything odd. Usually I don't get that drunk. But thank you for taking me and Zane home." I told him with a warm yet awkward smile as I set my pancakes down at the table, him sitting at the couch with Zane.

"Nothing much, all you did was tell me you like me. Didn't know what to make of it, and so I came by to see if you could explain it." he questioningly looked at me, my heart melting once again at his eyes. How could one person have such eyes that could kill someone?

"Right, I remember that now. Zane passed out in the back and when you came to help me put my seat belt on, I stopped you before you closed the door. Cupped your cheek and.." I stop myself, "I'm sorry I need to go take a shower. I'll see you around."

"W-wai-" before he can answer, I've left my pancakes at the table and rushed to the bathroom. My stomach suddenly feeling horrendous. 

Over and over I threw up in the toilet. Just the thought of me being a drunk mess last night, mixed with the hangover, made the vomiting worse. 

What is my life turning to now that I'm finally here in L.A? Why all of sudden everything with Matt happens in the span of two god damn days. 

So much more has happened and I don;t get it. Maybe my questions will be answered. Maybe my voice will be heard.

(A/N) sorry it's short, i don't actually know why i wrote this but enjoy it nonetheless :')

also like the next chapter will have you surprising Zane that you're staying in LA and you show him your house and from then on Bee (your saint bernard that i literally forgot about oof) will be in most of the chapters making some appearances.

some spicyyyy stuff happenin' next chapter be readyyyy. omfg so much spice happens in like every chapter i should do some fuckin fluff stuff with zane like best friend moments to give ya'll a break lol

ok bye <3

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