Chapter four・:*

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A/N YAS BITCH I'M BACK! so glad to be writing again!!! i'm sure you'll love the fuck out of this chapter. hope you do!! i came up with it in the shower. i am the definition of shower thoughts. anyways enjoy!

1006 words

"Who are you?" Matt asks me.

"I think you'll learn in the near future. For now, I'm just the girl who helped David Dobrik to prank you. The girl with the mask." I told him, not breaking from a straight face.


Buzz. Buzz.

My phone goes off.

Buzz. Buzz.

"Egh..not now.." I groan as I turn to see who's calling, Zane? He lives here, the fuck he calling me for?

A yawn escapes as I press the answer button on my iPhone/Samsung.

"..Hello?" I groggily say, my voice dry and scratchy from just waking up.

"BABY! Oh my god, you finally awake! Damn hoe I called you 4 other times." he exclaims, way too excited in the morning.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Why the hell are you calling me in the morning?" I scoff, wanting to roll back over and go back to sleep, ignoring the world.

"What you mean hun? It's 2 pm." As soon as he says "2 pm" my eyes widen as I jump out of bed.

"What the hell?! Why didn't you wake me Zane? I could've been productive. Granted, I probably wouldn't have, but still!" I yell, but realizing I desperately need water to cleanse my throat. If I yell anymore I'll strain it. I don't need that today.

"Sorry babe, but just so you know.." he giggles, " were saying Matt's name in your sleep. 'Oh Matt! I love you so much! Kiss me now!'"

Embarrassed I scoff and hang up. I do vaguely remember that dream, but I really don't feel like explaining it. Too much work, to be honest. (A/N lmao same) I decide to throw on a huge hoodie and go downstairs. It's not like I haven't done it before around here. I'm comfortable with Zane, he's my best friend after all.

"What to eat, what to eat.." I ponder as I move my fingers around the many items in the fridge. Mostly leftovers filled the fridge, pizza, chinese food. Finally I came across some frozen waffles/pancakes.

A/N also i think zane lives alone rn but bitch heath is gonna live with him rn and like maybe some drama will happen between them ;) wink wonk also heath is a g o d like wtf. also yes i know heath also has a girlfriend right now and they are a beautiful couple but this isn't canon so f u c k you

Thoughts race across my mind, 'Why did Zane call me? Is he not home? I should've asked..'

'I think I remember Zane with a roommate. What was his name..?' As I'm pondering the eggos pops up from the toaster, which startles me since I zoned out.

As I grab the eggos a fairly tall, rough yet handsome man groggily walks into the kitchen from down the hall. I guess this is Zane's roommate. I think his name started with an H..

"Oh. Hey babe. You're Y/N right?" He says in the very same girl voice Zane uses that I love so much.

"The one and only." I respond with a smile, not taking my eye off his chiseled features.

"Heh, you're cute. I'm Heath, nice to meet you." He outstretches his hand and I take it, my face heating up.

" as well." I mentally slap myself, why did I stutter? I have a huge crush on Matt. This guy is just really cute, and well mannered, and..cute. No, he's just a little fling. It'll go over in no time.

"..done staring?" he says, I flush out of my mental lecture.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're just, not going to lie, handsome." I laugh, trying to joke of it.

He laughs, "Well, I don't get that often. That's pretty nice to hear."

I look down at my eggos, and lift one to my mouth, taking a large bite.

"Do you want one? I made two, and you seem hungry." I offer.

"Sure. What do I have to lose?" As he responds I grab another plate and set them at the table, placing my bitten eggo on one plate, and Heath's on the other. I turn to grab syrup, forks, and knives, bringing them to the table as well.

"Will you be at that party David is throwing tonight? Everyone in the vlog squad will be there, including me." he asks with a smile forming at the corners of his lips.

"I didn't even know that there was a party. I'll scold Zane for once again forgetting to tell me important details." I respond, annoyed, "it's nothing to do with you. Zane is annoying sometimes. He forgets to tell me things."

"..especially a certain night.." I mumble, hoping he didn't hear. (A/N okay bitch I hate when people do this and are like saying something they don't want you to hear just to tell you it's nothing and that's exactly what i'm writing hahA)


"Nothing, it's not important. Anyways, can you list some people that will be there? I'm curious." I ask, attempting at changing the subject to further prevent him asking about that night.

"Oh David, obviously, Zane, Jason, Alex, myself, Matt-" I cut him off,

"Matt King?!" I exclaim.

"Yes? Is something wrong..?"

"No, no. There's nothing wrong. Nothing at all. Don't ask. I don't feel like telling more people I just met." I sigh, figuring out all the ways I'll avoid him. He might not recognize me, but I don't know. Anything could happen.

"Okay, I won't push it. It's obviously making you uncomfortable." He says with an understanding smile.

I take my last bites of my eggo. "I think I'll go get dressed, see you later I guess." (a/n woah bitch i rhymed *snap snap snap*)

"Yeah, see you." I notice he says with a soft flush to his cheeks, his lips forming a wide smile of genuine happiness.

I walk away with my own smile, maybe if Matt doesn't work out, I could give Heath a chance.

A/N hoe i told you there'd be some *snap snap* dramaaa even tho matt hasn't properly met you yet in the next chapter he will

hoeeeeeee the next chapter will be holy shit i promise full of good shit

spoiler alert heath gonna be jelly

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