Chapter two・:*。

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We said our goodbyes and I thought about LA.

'Little does he know..'

As I began packing for LA, I had to pack everything I had. Why, you ask? Well, I'm not just going there to visit. I'll be living in LA, mostly because I want to make it out there, and I want to be closer with Zane. He is my best friend, after all.

I haven't told Zane anything, so I plan to quickly pick up a rental car and drive all my stuff (which isn't much) to my new house. It's not anything too much, it's just a little something to get me started here. Anyways, when I get my stuff there, I'll be spending the first few nights at Zane's, so it doesn't get suspicious. Then, when the third day comes, I'll tell him there's someone I want him to meet and give him the address of my house.

Then, BAM! Surprise! I got a house Zane, I'll be in LA forever now!

The only thing I want to be wary of while at Zane's is my main objective:

Avoid. Meeting. Matt.

That may seem stupid, as I have a stupidly big crush on him, but I assure you, I really am not ready to meet him. I'm sure he's nice, sweet, and his piercing blue eyes will be enough to knock me out, but I can't meet him yet.

That's why I told Zane that if Matt ever comes over, tell me beforehand. Otherwise I'll freak out and have an actual panic attack.

So basically I'll hide in one of the bathrooms that no one uses and just go on my phone for however long it needs to be.

Enough talk about Matt, for now, I'm so excited to see Zane in person again. I've only been there with him in LA for a couple days, but now I actually get to stay and go over to his house whenever I want, and him to my house! This is going to be the start to a great life in LA.


(Zane POV)

Y/N is coming to LA today! It's so exciting, she'll spend her week with me in my house and we'll do all kinds of crazy shit.

She did request some things, like helping her avoid Matt at all times. He comes over quite often, so she'll be in that bathroom that literally no one uses, and I don't know why, often. I told her she can go out whenever she wants, cause' I'm not her Dad. So I guess she won't be in the bathroom as often as I think.

There's this other...obstacle. David asked me if I knew any girls that Matt wouldn't recognize, and I instantly thought of Y/N. I don't know if she'll be up for it, but I'm pretty sure it includes slightly revealing clothes, a mask, and a prank on Matt with his face covered with a cloth.

I decide to wait till she gets to LA to ask her. This will be interesting...



I grab my camera stuff which included, my camera, a tripod, extra batteries, and my charger. Then I just took all the rest of my electronics and put them in my second suitcase. I don't have much to myself besides electronics, clothes, and some sentimental items. So it wasn't much to pack.

I decided I'd buy furniture there, since I'm not really short on money. I'm not rich, but I'm not poor either.

Remembering to vlog, I whip the camera out as I show my two suitcases and a small box.

"Okay everyone! I've got a serious secret, it's going to be amazing," I start, "I'm going to LA, and Zane, my best friend, thinks I'm only staying for a week at his place. But really," I start bouncing invisible drums, making drum noises with my mouth,

"I'm moving to LA! Exciting, right? It's even more exciting because Zane has no idea. I have an entire plan.." I explain the plan and then show myself saying goodbye to my apartment,

"Bye small little apartment, I'll only kind of miss you!"

When I put the camera down, I call a cab to drive me to the airport. I've never had a car, I guess I didn't really have the right money to buy one, and when I got that money, I never saw the use in getting one. I will probably get one in LA, because it will make it easier to get around, obviously.

For the rest of my vlog I planned to just show a montage with cool music of me going on the plane and taking off. Then I guess getting off, and the outro will include me and Zane reuniting in person.

~Time skipple to Y/N and Zane reuniting at Zane's house~

I finally got to Zane's house and knocked loudly 5 or 6 times. Before I got here, I dropped other clothes and a few sentimental items at my new house. To make it less suspicious I came with one of my suitcases that contained a week full of clothes and my electronics.

Obviously, I whipped my camera out for this moment. This is a day to remember.

"Y/N! I'm so happy to see you!" Zane rejoiced with a huge smile on his face.

"Jeez Zane you're gonna squeeze the life out of me!" I exclaim happily as he loosens his grip a little.

We do that little Italian kiss thing where it's like you kiss on each cheek but it's like air kisses.

Then, as best friends do, we just start randomly dancing, and singing around. Rejoicing this fantastic moment. It takes me a moment to realize I can spend every day with this happy dude, because I'm living in LA now. That thought makes me so happy that I just jump on Zane and he falls over with me. Now both of us are on the floor laughing our asses off, holding our stomachs.

"It's so great to be back here. I missed this," I say between breaths, because of all that physical activity and shit.

"I missed you!" Zane laughed as he brought his hand over to bop my nose.

We both laugh again as Zane suddenly realizes, "Oh dude! I gotta show you where you're gonna sleep. You're absolutely going to love it."

Skeptical of a prank, I follow his lead anyways, wanting to lay in a comfy bed after the long six hour flight.

I guess he got the memo that I would be tired, and didn't plan any pranks. I looked at the room in awe as I scrambled to drop my things and practically jumped onto the bed, sprawling my arms and legs out.

"Zane! This is awesome. I actually get to sleep in this bed?" I exclaim in almost disbelief.

"Of course you do! Only the best for the best!" He chimed, with the same big smile I saw when I got here.

"This is so cool.." I mumbled.

"Oh, Y/N, can I ask you a question?" Zane requested.

"Shoot." I responded.

"Alright, I know you just got here and all, but, I have a favor to ask of you," he starts.

"Go on."

"Okay, you know David, yeah?"

I simply nod in return.

"Well, he needs a girl that a certain person won't recognize, even with a mask that only covers your eyes. Don't ask me who it is, because I don't even know." He nervously asked me.

"Sure! I'm down. I guess it's an opportunity to meet more of your friends, too." I reply with a nervous, yet happy smile.

'I wonder who it will be..' I wondered.

A/N I apologize for a cliff hanger. But like at this moment I'm basically immediately going into the next chapter. I forgot how fun it is to write. Also I think you can figure out what's gonna happen. Also yes Zane lied about not knowing who it is, wooOOH.

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