Chapter Two

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Zara's POV

I wake up feeling very warm. I try to move but I can't, I look to my right and see Sam, I look to my left and see Paul. I get up as quiet and fast as I can. I look around and see the rest of them sleeping on the floor.

I go to the bathroom and do my morning routine. I put on a black crop top, jeans, and all-star shoes. I go down and find the kitchen. I go through the fridge and find food that I can make breakfast with. By the time I'm so e with the food I hear banging g come from upstairs.

They all come running down the stairs.

"Whacha looking for?" I ask them.

They all look at me, Leah comes over and gives me a hug with her hand in my ass again. I blush but hug her back.

"What's wrong.?" I asked scared and embarrassed.

"We thought you left us." Sam says.

I pull away from Leah and she growls. I ignore that and they all sit in the living room.

"I will never leave you guys, so don't ever think that.  love you guys too much to leave. Okay, now food is on the table."

They all smile at me and then rush to the table. They start stuffing there face with food, in six minutes everything is gone.

"Wow, you guys were hungry." I say with a big smile on my face. I hear my phone ring and I answer it seeing it was Edward.

'Hello, Eddie.' I say after picking up the phone.
'How is everything? '

'It's good, just made a healthy breakfest for them.'

'Did you eat?'

'I was just getting ready to.'

'Just wanted to make sure.'

'Well you don't have to worry, they will take good care of me.'

'I don't trust them.'

'Well Mom, Dad and I all do, so that's all that should matter. if You don't trust them, then trust us.'

'I'll try, now go eat. We'll talk later, see you tonight.'

I hang up and then back to the wolves. They all have the stank face on.

"What's wrong?" I asked them.

They all look at me and Seth says.

" We just smelled something nasty. Nothing you should be worried about. "

"Okay, what are we doing today?"

" We can will get an hour with you and then before you leave we all will spend time with you together. If that's alright. " Paul says blushing.

"Awwww look at those cute pink cheeks." I say going over and pinching his cheeks.

He growls and playfully bit my fingers before kissing my forehead. I blush and hide my face in his chest.

"Well, shall we get going? Who's first?"

Hey I know that this is a short chapter but tell me which one you want to be first and what they do? Thanks for reading and have a good 🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙

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