Chapter Ten

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Hey, guys here is another chapter, hope you like it.

Zara's POV

I wake up from a bad dream and look around. Paul and Leah are in bed with me asleep. I get up carefully and go to the bathroom to take a shower. I turn on the hot water and get into the tub. I wash my hair with coconut shampoo and cucumber body wash. I get my black towel and I go to the closet. I pick out a white v neck crop top, blue jean shorts, sleeveless black jacket, and black combat boots. I brush my hair and put it in two buns and put on some light makeup. 

I go back into the bedroom and see Paul sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"Good morning handsome." I say walking to him.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispers and grabs me by the waist and pulls me in between his legs.

I run my hands through his hair and kiss his head.

"I love you." I whisper.

He looks at me and smiles.

"I Love you too."

I kiss him on the lips and that leads to a big makeup session with me straddling him on the bed.

I feel someone else hands rubbing my thigh and I know it's Leah. I kiss her while Paul is kissing my neck.

~~ You know what else happens~~

I put back on my clothes and so do Paul and Leah.

"That was amazing." I say.

They nod and kiss my temple. As we walk to the throne room we see Jasper and Alice. We go to the throne room and I see Ciaus smile and get ready to say something but I tell him to shut it.

"When will be going?" I ask the kings.

"Whenever you are ready, I will be coming along with the guard. We will meet up with the pack and all go to help you guys. If it leads into a fight then we will fight."

We all nod and go to the plane. 

~~ A few hours later ~~

We get off the plane and go to La Push and meet up with the pack.

"GUYS!!" I run to them and they all hug me.

I look around and see Jake with Renesmee. I look down and Sam whispers into my ear.

"We didn't know they were coming, I already called the Cullens and told them we have something to talk about." I nod and hug them once more.

The pack look at the Volturi and nod at them like they know why they are here. I go into Sam's house and put my bags into his room. I feel hands come around my waist and turn to see Quill.

"I missed you baby." He says.

"I missed you too. I missed all of you. I'm sorry I left, I didn't want to hurt you guys but I just couldn't take it."

"We understand, we would do the same if we saw you with another male being all love dovey and shit. Yeah, it for until we found out why and we then called Alice to see if she had seen you. She and Jasper went to you and now you are here." 

We go outside and I see the Cullens and I wave to them. They all wave at me and smile. 

"What is this about? Why did Zara leave and why the hell is the Volturi here?" Rose asked.

"If everyone would sit down and I will explain." Sam said so we all sat facing each other.

"As you all know Zara has been imprinted on by the whole pack, this includes Jake. Renesmee Cullen has been conspiring with a witch to make you all she was imprinted on Jake, not Zara. If you don't believe me then Aro can show you all." 

I can feel Renesmee's hatred glare, I look up at her and match it. I must have done something because she looks down. Aro gets up and shows everyone what he showed me.

A few minutes later

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR AUNT!!" Bella screams at Renesmee.

"I-I don't k-know." She whispered.

Jake looks at me with sadness.

"Is that why you left?" He whispered.

I nod my head and I start to cry.

"I couldn't take watching one of my mates being with someone else. If you were truly happy with her then I would have stayed, but when you didn't even remember me or any of you guys knew I was imprinted on by Jake, then I knew something was wrong. I'm sorry."

"Oh sweetie don't be sorry we should be the ones that are sorry. You don't need to apologize for anything. Renesmee you will apologize to Zara right now." Esma says.

"I'm sorry Zara." Renesmee says to me.

I motion for her to come to me and have her sit on my lap.

"I know you are sorry but I want to make sure you don't try something like this ever again. I love you, we all do, but that doesn't mean I won't forget this. I will do everything in my power to help you  find your true love, but don't go taking anyone else okay." I say to her.

She nods and gives me a hug crying on my shoulder.

"Why are you being so nice about this? She took Jake and she made them think she was imprinted on?" Leah asked.

"She may have done all of that but she still is a child, she will learn, she just needs to learn not to do this again." I say.

"Either way she will need to be put on trial, she tried to take someone else's mate. " Aro says.

"Then I'm going with her, she will not be killed. does anyone else want to come?"

"I will, but only to protect you." Jasper says.

"I won't, Jasper can do this." Alice says looking at her husband and smiling.

Seeing as no one else wanted to come we went back to the plane. Renesmee fell asleep on my shoulder so she stayed there for the whole plane ride up until we go to the castle.

"Renesmee you need to wake up." I whisper to her.

She looks at me.

"Do I have to?"

"I'm sorry sweetie you do. I won't let anything happen to you nor will Jasper. I lay down my life for you and that is a promise."

"Why are you being so nice to me, I did something to hurt you. So why, you should hate me."

"I could never hate you, I know what it feels like to want to be loved by someone else other than your family, but once you meet your soulmate you won't ever think about that again. That is why I am being nice to you."

After some silence, we go into the throne room and stand in front of the Kings and the guard.

"Renesmee Cullen you have committed a crime by making people think that someone else is your mate. We will talk about what is your punishment." Aro says.

After a few mintues, they have come to a decision.

"Renesmee Cullen your punishment will be death."

I gasp and try to hold Renesmee but a vampire comes running at me and Jasper. They garb him and Alec used his power on him while Jane uses her on me while I am held back by vampires.

I scream in pain and horror as Aro comes at Renesmee.

"DON'T HURT HER!!" I scream out.

Aro looks at me

"But she has hurt you and your family."

"She is my family, I don't care what the hell she has done, she is family, and family will always stick together, forever and always." 

He nods and tells everyone to stop. I sign and Renesmee and Jasper come over to me to make sure I'm fine.

The throne doors are pushed open with a bang and I turn around to see a guard.

Hey guys sorry, this is a bit late, but I just wasn't feeling it. I hope you guys are doing good and I hope you guys liked this chapter. Thursday through Saturday I will not be updating, I have some stuff I have to do. I will try to update every day since then, but I may just update once, I'm not sure. Well, have a good night.

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