Chapter Twelve

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Zara's POV

I woke up and went to the kitchen. I feel my families stares and I hear them talk but I pay no mind. I make pancakes, waffles, eggs, toast, and bacon for the people that can eat human food. I go Renesmee and my mate up and we all ate. I knew that the pack had to leave so I waved them a good-bye and went to the library.

"Zara what are you doing?" Emmett asked when he saw me opening the door.

"I'm looking for something." 

I don't bother letting him say anything else and close the door once I am in. I look for books that I think may help me find out what my parents meant. 

~~A few hours later~~

I haven't found anything that helped me. I go back to my room and get the letter and read it over and over. I got so into the letter I didn't even notice that Bella and Edward were at my door looking at me.

"Zara?" Bella said softly but it still scared me.

I look at them with tired and frustrated eyes.

"DOn't push yourself. You will find out what they meant when the lawyer comes later today. I want you to hand us the letters and we will keep them safe. Take a shower, get dressed and meet us in the living room. If you need any help then yell and one of us will come." Bella says.

I nod and them the letters and get what I need for the shower. I turn on the shower to warm water. I get undressed and get my black luffa. I lather my hair with my new Lavender shampoo and wash it out. I get the black luffa and put a small amount of my, also new, Rose body wash. I get out of the shower when I finish washing everything out. Wrapping myself in a towel as I go to the mirror and wipe it. I look at myself and see bags under my tired eyes. I shake my head and get dressed in a tank top, black ripped jeans, black sweater, and white combat boots. I brush my hair and put it in a braid. 

I go to the living room and see everyone waiting for me and the lawyer.

Esma was about to say something until the doorbell rang. She gets up and goes to the door. I hear them talking as they get closer to us.

"Whatever happens we all love you no matter what." Emmett says to me just before the lawyer and Esma comes in.

"Zara this is Alex Rosewell he is the lawyer that worked with your parents." 

I get up and shake his hand. 

"I'm sorry for your loss, I know they weren't the best parents to you and for that I am sorry. I am here to tell you what they and their parents left for you. You are the sole heir to the Blackwell family. You get everything that they had, every book, paper, everything. You will have a month to tell me what you want to keep and if you want to appoint someone else to be the CEO of Blackwell Inc. I will give you everything else you need in a week. I will have to get all the papers and stuff like that printed. Is there any questions you would like to ask?"

"Yeah, I know I want to keep my grandparents and parents main house. When will I be able to g into the house and move stuff around?" I ask.

"Your parents figured that you would want these so they made that the very first priority. About in the next two days, you should have the keys to the house and it in your name. When I get back to the office I will start working on that. Is there anything else?"

"Is there anything else she gets from them?"

"Everything they owned, she will also have two people that are her parents and grandparents most trusted co-workers that will help her with everything she needs."

He leaves and I try to go back to my room.

"Zara we need to have a family meeting." Carlisle says to me.

I nod and sit on the stairs. Jasper, Alice, Lucas, and Renesmee all come back and sit down.

"As we all know this is a very hard time for Zara. When she goes to visit I want two people to go with her. I don't want to push anyone to go and No Zara this is not up for debate you will have two of us and two people from the pack. We have all talked about this and we want to protect you. The pack has already decided who would go and we now we have to."

Jasper, Emmett, and Edward said that they would but I didn't hear anything else. 

"ZARA!!" I hear a voice yelling at me.

"WHAT!!" I yell.

"Did you hear what we said?" Rose says to me in a bitchy tone.

"No I didn't because I don't care. I didn't want this, any of this. Just leave me alone." I say walking to the front door and going into the woods.

I put my earbuds in and listen to music and take a long hike. As I'm walking I see a mama bear with its cubs. As I try to step back a twig snapped under my foot and the bears look at me. One of the cubs comes over to me. I look back over to the mother bear and I hear her say go ahead.

I pick up the bear and hang out with the bears until I get hungry. I leave and go back home. 

"Where wear you?" Bella asked me.

I shrug and go into the kitchen to fix me something to eat. 

"Why won't you tell me?" She asked again.

I shrug again and put on my music. My earbuds are yanked out of my ears and I turn around to see Bella holding them.

"Tell me now or you won't get them back."

"First I don't have to tell you shit, you are not my mother so quit fucking acting like it. Second I was safe that's all you need to fucking know, do not ask me agian." I say snatching my earbuds from her and bringing my food to my room. 

After I finish eating and  I text Sam if I could stay the night but they were all busy with stuff so I couldn't. I go and see if I could talk to Carlisle about what happened in the woods but he was at work, I went to Jasper but he was busy with Alice, I went to Rose but she was out with Emmett, I went to Esma but she was busy in the garden, and lastly I went to Edward but he was talking to Bella and Renesmee and her mate. I sign and went to my room. I get clothes, music, bath bombs and get ready for a nice warm relaxing bath. 

1 hour later

I hear knocks on my bathroom door and I ask who it is. The voice says that it's Bella and I let her come in.

"I'm sorry for what I did, I know that I shouldn't have done that but I just didn't want you to get hurt, after what Renesmee did I feel like I should make sure that nothing else hurts you and I went to fair. I'm sorry I hope you forgive me."

"I forgive you, I know that you just wanted me safe and something did happen in the woods. It wasn't anything bad or wrong I was just surprised."

I told her what happened with the bears and she told me she would ask Carlisle. After she left I got out of the bathtub and dried off. I got into a black tank top and gray shorts. I went to take a nap since I was tired.

Hey, guys I know it has been a long time since I updated but I was really busy. I will update at least one more time before I go to back to school on Monday, but I wish you all well and have a good Tuesday.

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