Chapter Fourteen

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Zara's POV

"Guys, I have come to a decision. I want to become the CEO of Blackwell Inc. I also want to go to the Volturi. I need to talk to them about something. I also don't need anyone coming with me, they won't hurt me and I will call as soon as I get to the airport and as soon as I get the castle, okay." I say to my family and lovers.

It's been two weeks since the whole carnival thing and I've come to terms with things. I know they will do their best to help me with anything I may need and I love them for that.

They try to protest but I shut them up.

"I know you guys want to helo but you can't, not with this. If you could then I would ask you. Besides, I want to go see my uncles and aunts. They are my family as much as you guys are. I have already got a ticket and will be leaving tomorrow. I also have told my uncles that I would be coming and they said it was fine with them and they would have someone drive me to the castle." 

"Can you just tell us what you need them for? If you do that then we won't complain." Sam said to me.

"I want to learn more about business, they are really old and I know a lot about that kind of stuff, seeing as they have been around for a long ass time."

They eventually agreed, I thought that would have been harder than it was.

For the time being, we just spend time with each other. I let Alice and Rose pack my stuff, I know they wouldn't do anything wrong with it. 


"Call us as soon as you land, when you get to the castle, and every morning and night. If you miss one of those then I will be coming to find you and take you back, got that?" Rose said to me when I get into the truck.

"I promise I will, now please let us leave. I want to make it on time." She nods and lets's us leave.

The pack is taking me to the airport, they wanted to spend some more time with me even if it was to see me off. I don't mind at all really, I think it's sweet and I love them for it.

I will be staying for a week and during that time I will be using it to learn more about business. I will also be having them help me with taking over Blackwell Inc. They will help break some things down when I need it. They will also tell me what could happen and stuff like that. I will be the person to make the final decision. It's all a little scary to be taking this on right now but I know I can do this. 

We get to the airport and reality sets in. 

'WOW,  I'm actually getting ready to do this, I can't believe this. God, I'm going to miss them but this is for the best.'

"I'm going to miss you guys, now don't forget to go to school and go to the store to get food. I will have Emse go and get some if needed." I say to them.

"We'll miss you too."

After we say our goodbyes, I get on the plane and put in my earbuds. I ended up falling asleep but it's a good way to pass the time.

"Miss please wake up we have arrived." I soft feminine voice said to me as I feel myself being shaken awake. I open my eyes and look at her with sleepy eyes and nod. I get up and stretch, I get my bags and go look for the car. I see Alec and Jane and I run and hug them. 

"AAHHHH... I missed you guys"

"We missed you too ZarZar." They say hugging me back. They help me with my bags and we go to the car. Alec drives to the castle and on the way there I call my family and tell them that I am here and on my way to the castle with Jane and Alec. 

When we get to the castle I see Marcus, Aro, and Caius waiting for me.

"UNCLES!!!!"  I scream and run and give each of them a hug.

"Hello, little one." Aro says as he hugs me back.

"Now, you said that you wanted to talk with us about something, did you want to do it now or later?"

"Now, but first let me call Rose and tell her that I am in the castle safely."

They nod and give me some privacy. I call them and it's the same thing I've heard a million times before. 

I get to where my uncles are and we all sit down.

"As you may know my birth parents lift everything to me. Now that means I am very wealthy now, I am now the CEO of Blackwell Inc. I don't know much about having a business but I want to, so I was wondering if you three would be there to help me with making some decisions and stuff like that?"

"We would be honored to help you with that, we also wanted to talk to you and your family about something. But that my dear can wait later. When did you want to start?"

"How about tomorrow, I'm tired and want to go to sleep."

I get to my room and take a warm bath, put on my pajamas that consist of a black tank top and gray shorts. As soon as my head hits the pillows I fall into a deep sleep.

Aro's POV

"We need to tell them soon so we can prepare for everything." Marcus says to us.

"I will call The Cullen's in the morning and see if it is alright with them. Then we will ask Zora if she will accept to become the next heir to the Vampire Throne. If she does then we will throw her a ball and carnation. Then we will help her with anything that needs to be. Then it's vacation time with our wives."

(Let's pretend that Marcus's wife and mate is alive)

They nod and we got back to what we were doing.

Hey, guys, I have finally updated this and will hopefully update another book. I am making a series and it's called The Highschool Series. I was wondering if it would be better to have all 9 books happen at the same high school or do two highschools and make the books have something to do with each other? Give me what you would like to see happen and I will try to do it. Thanks for all the support and have a nice morning/night.

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