Chapter Seven

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Zara's POV

~~Four Months Later~~

"GET UP ZARA!!!!" A male voice yells.

"Leave me the fuck only. I need my fucking sleep."

"Alright, then I guess you don't want the good news about the battle." 

I look at my brother and smile.

"Can I go back?" I whisper.

He nods and ripes the covers off of me exposing me to the cold.

"Why the hell can't you ever turn on the fucking heat?"

He shrugs and tells me to get ready.

I go to the bathroom and take a shower. After I use my rose smelling shampoo and body wash. I get out and grab my bright yellow towel. I go and put on a black and white lace underwear and bra. I then go and wash my face and blow draw my hair and put it in a messy bun. I go to my closet and pick out a gray hoodie crop top, black jeans, and black combat boots. I put on eyeliner and chapstick. I get everything I need ready and put them in my car. I turn to find my brother and his girlfriend smiling at me. I go and give them a big hug. 

"I'll miss both of you." I whisper.

"We'll miss you too." 

I get in the car and drive to IHop. I get back home and see everyone waiting for me.

I get out and Jasper gives me a hug.

"Hey, we missed you." He says.

"I missed you all too."

Emmett comes up and gives me the biggest hug he can.

"Who is this?" I asked when I saw a small child.

"This is our daughter and Jacobs imprint." Bella says.

"Jacob's imprint?" I say slowly.

They all nod and I try to give a small smile. Emmett helps me get my stuff in my room and I put everything back. 

'I thought I was Jacob's imprint' I think to myself.

I go down and see the pack and the Cullens in the living room and they are smiling at Renesmee. I try to sit but every spot is taken, so I go outside and take a nice walk. I end up going to the place Jacob showed me when we went on the date. I see him and Renesmee there. I tear up and remember what he told me. 

I run away and go back to the house. I run to my room and Emse knocks on the door.

"Hey, sweetie have you seen Renesmee? I wanted to take her shopping."

I shrug my shoulders and she leaves.

'Shopping was our thing.' I think to myself.

~~An Hour later~~

Renesmee comes in without knocking.

"Look, you've been gone for a long time, you are old news to them. No one wants a human here." She says to me and then walks out.

I get a bag and put some stuff I will need in it. I go to my car and drive until I get to the bank. I withdraw $10,000 from my account and get lunch. 

'This is for the best, they don't want me anymore.' I think.

Hey guys, I know this was short and please don't hate on me for the whole Renesmee thing. This is just in the story. I hope you guys are having a good summer. I have a little bit more than a month left. I will try to update during that time. I hope you guys like this, have a good day.

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