Chapter Thirteen

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Zara's POV

I woke up after an hour-long nap. I just lay in bed until Esma comes in and tells me that the kids are taking me somewhere. I go to my closet and pick out a black crop top, ripped jeans with fishnets, black vans, and a gray hoodie. I go to the bathroom to brush my hair and put one some light makeup. 

I get my phone, wallet, earbuds, and keys. I meet everyone downstairs and we head out. 

"Where are we going?" I asked Bella.

"That is something I can't tell you, but I can tell you that the pack is coming too." She says looking back at me from the passenger seat.

I nod and put in my earbuds and listen to California by Yungblud. 

"Zara we're here. You can ride with them if you want." Bella says.

I nod and get out and go over to the pack.

"Hey, guys." 

They all come over and hug me.

"We missed you." They all say.

I just nod and get in the back of the truck, they look at each other and get in the truck.  I put back into my earbuds and ignore them.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and see it's Seth. I pull out my earbud and wait for him to say something.

"Are you okay? You just seem to be distant, did we do something?" 

"I'm not okay, but you guys didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry if I made you guys feel that way." I whisper.

I give him a hug and we just cuddle until they say that they have to blindfold me. 

"WHAT WHY?!?!?!"

"It's a surprise."

I let them blindfold me and they walk me a ways until we stop and I hear other people and creepy music.

"Is this where I die? My family will know who killed me." I say.

They laugh and said no, they undo the blindfold and I let my eyes adjust to the light and find a carnival. 

I start crying and fall to the ground.

"Hey what's wrong?" Jake asked me.

"This is so sweet, thank you, everyone. I don't deserve this, you guys are being nice to me when I was a bitch to all of you."  I run off.

I stop when I am out of breath and look around me. I go on one of the rides and Iwas hoping to have fun but I guess not.

'I shouldn't have ran from everyone, they did this for me and here I am being rude to them by running off. Why do I keep doing this to them?' I think to myself.

I start crying again until my phone rings and I look to see who it is, Edward.

Ed - 'Zara where are you?'

Za - 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, I - I'

Ed - 'We know Zara and we understand you've under to much stress lately and you are going to act like this, we understand.'

I start crying again.

"Zara!" Sam's voice comes from behind me.

I turn behind me and see the pack running to me, I go up to them and hug every one of them.

Sam takes me into his arms and brings me back to his house. 

Hey, guys, I know that this is really short. I go back to school tomorrow and this is the best I could do. I will try to update every weekend, but if I can't then sorry. I hope you guys have a good day.

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