Chapter 15

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Zara's POV

"We will always be there for you. We couldn't be happier, y poo I've turned into an amazing young lady. We love you sweetie, dont let anyone tell you different. You will hear about the bad things we have done, but we did them to protect you. Remember this, ease baby." A soft female voice says to me.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and O turn around. I see a women with blonde hair and gray eyes and a man with blonde hair and hazel eyes. I kinda look like them.

"Mom, Dad?"

"We love you sweetie."

"Wait, dont leave. Please dont leave me again."

"We will always be right by your side."

I wake up with a gasp and look around the room.

'Knock knock.'

"Zara, the kings want to see you. They want you to get dressed and meet them in the garden." Jane says softly behind the door.

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

I quickly get out of bed and take a quick shower. I dry off and wrap myself in the towel. I go and pick out my outfit for the day. I get on a matching pair of red lace underwear and bra. I got to the closet and put in a white tank top, high waisted black ripped Jean's, and black boots. I brush my hair into a messy bun.

I walk until I end up in the garden.

"Hey, sorry it took so long."

"We have all day its fine." Aro says giving me a hug.

I give them each a hug and sit down.

"So what did you want to talk about, it had to be important if it's all six of you here."

"Straight to the point and very observant, perfect. Well in a month we will be going on a vacation, we will be gone for two weeks. During this time we would like you to rule, we will show you everything you need to know. We will also show you how to run a business, also if you want to know more about your family, then we will also help with that. We want you to be heir of the throne of vampires. We know you are human and have shapeshifters as mates, that if why we are willing to have an alliance with them. And have a witch will slow down your aging."


"Can I have some time to figure this all out. I also need to call my mates and family to see what they think."

"Of course, we will support you with whatever you decide."

I nod and go back to my room and call my mates.

Bold is her mates.
This is her talking.

'Hey baby, how are you?'

'I need to talk to all of you guys.'

'Is everything alright, do we need to hurt someone?'

'No baby, I just want to make sure you guys are alright with something. J didn't want to make the decision without you because it's your future too.'

'Okay, let me get everyone here.'

'We are all here and you are on speaker.'

'Well as you know I was coming to ask the kings of they would help me understand the buisness world more. They have asked me to be the next heir to the throne, they said that they would have an alliance with you, they would get a witch so slow our aging. They also will help me with the whole buisness thing. What are your options on this?'

I hear them talking with each other after a minute or two.

'We will support you with any decision you think is best. It would be helpful with the alliance with them. We would follow you wherever you go. We love you and know you will make the right decision.'

'Thank you for trusting me, I wish we could talk more but I've gotta call me family. I love you all and wish you were here.'

We say our goodbyes and just before I call I get a text from Alice.

'We will all support you with what you do. You are old enough to know what is right and what if wrong. We all love you.'

'Thank you all for loving and supporting me, I love you all very much.'

I go to the kings and tell them I will except.

"Fantastic, your lessons will start tomorrow. Tonight you will meet the whole guard, dont want one of them eating you." Aro says smiling.

"Sounds good." I say.

Hey guys, I'm going to be uploading once if not twice a week. I go back to school soon but it'll be fine. Hope you all are doing well during this time. Wish you guys a good day.

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