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As soon as I saw Amelia, my wish to rid Phil from constantly re-appearing in my mind had been granted. But as soon as she left, he was all I could think about.
I put my hand on the door to support my frail body and turned until my back hit the wood. Slowly, I slid down until I was sat on the hotel room floor, my knees tucked in and my head down.
There, I stayed for a few minutes, truly beaten and shattered to pieces for the first time in my life. In that moment, I finally realised what Phil had been trying to say all this time.

'Dan, what are you doing?' I asked myself angrily.

I was 25 years old and I had already considered settling down with a woman I didn't truly love for the rest of my life. I would be chained to that lifestyle forever if I didn't break free now.
After all this time, the penny had finally dropped. Life was too short to waste time being unhappy. As long as I was with Amelia and my relationship with Phil was still broken, I was going to be truly unhappy. I want to be free, just like Phil. I want to be impulsive like Phil. I want to live my life to its fullest and appreciate the little things like Phil does but I need him to show me how. I want to run out in the rain spontaneously but I'm embarrassed. I want to go for long motorway drives with not a care in the world, feeling the breeze against my skin and in my hair, but I don't know where to start. I needed to let go of all the baggage, but I couldn't do that. I had a life back in America which I had worked hard for. My family were back in America, all my friends.
I needed to get back, but I wasn't leaving without patching things up with Phil. We couldn't leave it the same way we left it last time.

As though I was struck by a surge of lightening, I stood up and grabbed my jacket along with my keys, running out of the hotel room to make my way to Phil's apartment. There was no time for a taxi, so I jumped straight in my rental car and headed to Phil's place.

I knocked on the door. No answer. I hoped it wasn't a case of him seeing me stood outside his apartment yet choosing not to open the door. I knocked again, more vigorously this time, praying he would hear me.
"C'mon, Phil, open up!"
No answer.
"Phil, please... I need you!"
I froze. What had I just said? I shook my head, staggering backwards. I didn't need Phil. I was fine without him, actually. I would be fine back in America on my own. It wasn't like high school, I told myself for the hundredth time.

I checked the time on my phone. That's when I saw it. How could I be so stupid? My shoe scuffed against the floor aggressively. How could I forget?

Tuesday 4th August 2018

His mother's funeral was 11 years ago today. I could have beaten myself up there and then for forgetting, but I sure as hell wasn't giving up.

I was screaming at those comments on the last chapter you guys are amazing & hilarious😂
also 1k reads?????? wow okay thankyou legends

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