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I'm not going to lie. I really love babysitting Simon and Baz's kids. They're so well behaved, and so quiet. My two kids could take a leaf out of their book.

Micah and I lived in America for five years after we got married, leaving when our oldest, Eavan, was three (she's seven now). She's always been strong-willed (gee, I wonder who she gets that from), but I think the move across the ocean cemented it in her. A year after moving to the same town Simon and Baz live in, we had our son, Kieran, who's less headstrong than his sister, but still quite opinionated for someone so small. I think he'll take after Micah more, though, when he gets past the want to imitate his sister.

Micah and I pick up the kids from their schools down the street from the Normal university we work at, get them dressed, and clean the house, all in the span of two hours. By the time Baz and Simon knock on our door, I've donned an orange and black jack-o-lantern dress, Micah's got on his all-black cat outfit (he was upset that only women ever go as 'sexy cats', and decided to break down the wall), Eavan's donned her witch outfit (which she thinks is hilariously funny), and little Kieran's finally got the sheet he's using for his ghost costume on straight. With one last appraising glance around what was a pigsty of a sitting room three hours ago, I make my way to the door to let our friends in.

The grinning Grimm-Pitch family enters our home, with hugs and kisses all around. I burst into a fit of giggles at Baz's ridiculous vampire outfit. He grins devilishly at me, flashing those needle-sharp fangs.

"What are you laughing at, Bunce?" He teases, his voice sounding full and slightly slurred through his teeth. I clutch my sides, trying desperately to stop laughing. Kieran is starting to throw me concerned looks (his sheet has slid off his head again) from where he and little Lucy play across the room.

"Your costume, Basil!" I snicker. Natasha smiles brightly up at me, letting go of Simon's hand to tug on mine.

"Auntie Penny, I picked it out!" She says proudly. I bend down so I'm at her height, tucking her dark hair behind her ears.

"You did a great job, kiddo. Your daddy looks wonderful." She opens her mouth to say something in reply, but Eavan comes down the stairs from her room to see what all the commotion's about, and Natasha's dark eyes focus on her, lighting up. She and Eavie have always been close, even though they're two years apart. Honestly, I think Tasha is the only person I've seen my daughter listen to, aside from Micah and I.

"Hi, Eavie!" Calls the little girl at my side. A huge smile brightens Eavie's face through her green face-paint.

"Hi, Tasha! I like your costume!" Tasha's round face goes pink, her smile widening with delight.

"Thank you. I like yours too-- are you a Normal witch?" Eavie nods happily, looking down at her outfit.

"Yeah!" Natasha walks over to her, and the two walk back up the stairs to Eavie's room, chatting happily. I turn back to Simon and Baz, who look like they're having some kind of staring contest with one another. Crossing my arms, I raise an eyebrow.

"Boys, I thought we decided a decade ago that you're not allowed to have eye-sex within twenty feet of me?" I tease, making sure to keep my voice low enough to keep the three-year-olds from hearing me. Simon's golden face goes pink, looking comically like his daughter's expression from a few moments before (you would never know the four of them aren't blood related, they all look so much like one another). Baz just smirks at me, looking away from his husband.

"Really, Bunce, you ought to be used to it by now," he deadpans in reply. I roll my eyes and heave a sigh.

"That rule has lasted this long, and it'll last till the earth inevitably is swallowed by the sun. Or until Simon accidentally opens another world-hole and kills us all."

"Hey! Leave me and my sneezes out of your argument!" Simon warns with mock incredulity. I grin at him, reaching up to ruffle his red glitter-dusted curls.

"Not this time, Chosen One, you're just as guilty as he is." Simon rolls his eyes at me, attempting to hide his smile.

"How ever can I make it up to you?" He asks sarcastically. I grin, gesturing to the kitchen behind me.

"By helping cook dinner?" Simon finally breaks, starting to laugh.

"I suppose so, if I must."


A quick PSA:

Eavan is pronounced ee-ah-vahn, and her nickname, Eavie, is pronounced ee-vee

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