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Baz kisses me awake. His chest is warm and solid against my back, his hands soft as they trail over my skin. I grin sleepily as those lips continue to explore the back of my neck.

"Morning," I murmur. He feels so nice...

"Morning, Simon," He replies, his voice still gravelly with sleep. Aleister Crowley it's sexy.

I like everything about Morning Baz. The black curtain of wavy hair spread across the pillow. Heavy-lidded grey eyes that shine, nearly iridescent, like mother-of-pearl in the syrupy morning sunshine. His voice, gravelly and deep and slow. The weight of his arm around my waist. The list in my head is never-ending.

I turn in his arms so we're chest to chest, nuzzling my nose into the crook of his neck. I like the way he smells there; like bergamot and cedar and something else-- something that's entirely his own-- that I can't name. I let my teeth lazily brush the skin there, sending a satisfying shiver through him. Long, thin fingers push gently through my tangled hair.

"What time do we need to pick up the girls?" I ask in a soft voice against his neck. Baz presses closer to me, trailing a hand down my chest.

"Noon... ish. Later. Whenever." His voice is a throaty whisper. Grey eyes flutter half-shut behind long lashes. Grinning impishly, I trail my lips down his throat, taking my time.

"Do you want breakfast?" I'm teasing him, and he damn well knows it. A frustrated sort of whine escapes him as I nip at a new place on his neck (Baz gets jealous when I do this, and I love it)(I wonder if there's a way to spell his teeth non-toxic...).

"Maybe later," He murmurs, his fingers cold against my hips.

"A shower?" I ask. Pearl grey eyes meet my own, a quiet determination shining behind them.

"Yes. But first, Simon Grimm-Pitch..." A small, barely audible gasp cuts him off as I press close to him, kissing his collarbone.

"But first what, darling?" I tease. He lets his eyes flicker shut again, not looking at me when he says,

"But first... finish what you've started."


Let's play "Spot the (really, really) obscure Fangirl reference" o_O


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