Jealous!Zen x Reader

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"Oh come on, Zen..." I rolled my eyes at him, "It'll be fun!"

He kept a pout on his face as he dried his hair with a towel, "But I wanted to spend the night here~ alone, with you...!"

I ruffled his damp hair and kissed him on the cheek, "That's adorable, but I promised the rest of the RFA we'd at least show up tonight."

I rubbed his arm soothingly,  "Just twenty minutes and then we can come home and be together."

Zen grumbled a bit but put on his jacket, "Are you ready to go then?"

"Yeah," I said, "I just have to find an outfit..."

Zen came up behind me as I was digging around in the closet, "So... no, you're not ready."

I snorted and smacked his shoulder playfully, "If you don't like it, you pick an outfit."

Zen hummed and started skimming through my clothes, "Maybe I will, my love..."

"Aha!" He exclaimed, pulling out my infamous black dress, "Wear this! I love this dress on you."

I cringed at it, "Are you sure about that one...? It's a little tight, especially for a low key bar night..."

Zen gave me puppy dog eyes, "Please?"

I sighed and took the dress from him before shutting myself in the bathroom to change. I'd be fine with this dress if it wasn't so provocative... Zen's gonna have a stroke if I end up wearing this...

Thankfully, I grabbed my jacket from the bed before I came in here, so maybe I can make it the night without showing too much skin.

I exited the bathroom a few minutes later, eventually zipping up my jacket all the way to avoid the low-cut dress from drawing too much attention.

"You look great!" Zen said, looking like he was talking in the messenger and not paying attention, "Now let's go so we can leave early and come home~!"


We'd been at this weird club Seven brought us to for nearly two hours.

There wasn't hardly anyone there when we first arrived but now... there was a lot. Maybe it's the corporate millionaire, or the famous actor. Either way, the club was packed.

It felt like I was swatting a girl off of Zen and Jumin's arm every six seconds. They just kept throwing themselves at them and I'd have to deflect them at Seven or Yoosung. Both of them were blushing.

"Zen, love," I had to stand on my tip-toes to speak into his ear over the loud music, "It's kinda hot in here, can you hold my jacket?"

He nodded and helped my arms out of the sleeves. The warm air hit my skin and I sighed.

This is getting kind of boring...

I turned around to face Zen and he saw me in the dress for the first time, low-cut and tight as it had always been. A grin spread across his face.

Zen pulled me closer to him by my waist and held my hips against his firmly. A small gasp left me and I found myself clinging to his jacket sleeve to stay standing. The heat of Zen's body was dizzying. His hips ground against mine slowly, making my grip on Zen's arm tighten.

Zen's imposing figure leaned down so he could whisper into my ear, the heat of his breath tickling my neck. I panted softly and bit my lip at the sensation.

Suddenly, Zen stiffened and I turned to find him with an irritated glare on his face. I looked to where Zen was giving the cold stare to find Jumin with a pale blush on his face as he tried to look like he didn't notice the two of us so close to having sex in the middle of this club.

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