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Ayla's POV

*WARNING: Some things written in this chapter may be a little TMI for some people.*

I woke up to a very strong pain in my lower stomach and back.

I sit up and pull the covers off my legs to reveal blood all over the white sheets.

"Shoot" I muttered as I fell back on to my pillow.

After a little bit I manage to get to the bathroom, just to realize I didn't bring any feminine products with me.

My period pains come in bursts of really strong but quickly fade, and there is a lot of bleeding. Normally I take birth control to manage it. But since my family wasn't going to be in our home town for a couple months, and the doctor said she couldn't give me the birth control in advance, I don't have any.

I quickly go to the bathroom, and wash my hands.

As I start walking back to our room, there is a burst of pain. I clutch my stomach as I move to sit on the floor, right outside Katie and I's room. I bring my knees to my chest and lean my head on top of my knees, as I take deep breaths.

After the pain starts to fade, I stand up and walk in the room to see Katie climbing down the latter.

"Katie, do you have a pad?" I ask.

"Um, I think so"

She walks over to her bag and pulls out, what looks like a pencil pouch.

"Here" she says, handing me the pencil pouch.

After looking through it I grab what I need, and a couple extra, to leave in the bathroom for next time, and head to the bathroom.


My mom called my doctor and had her call the local pharmacy, to allow them to give me my birth control.

"Brennan" I hear Jill yell "can you drive Ayla to the pharmacy?"

"Yeah" I hear him tell back.

I walk out of Katie and I's room after getting ready for the day, and into the kitchen.

"Ready?" Brennan asks me.


"Let's roll"

Right after Brennan starts driving, 'Let You Down' by NF comes on.

Soon Brennan and I are both singing and rapping to the song.

I suddenly feel a burst of pain. I stop singing and grab my lower stomach.

"Are you okay?" Brennan asks.

"Yeah, just cramps"

Brennan places his hand on my thigh, I jump slightly.

"Why is your hand so cold?" I ask.

"I don't know" he says, looking at his hand like something's wrong with it.

I get an idea, so I grab Brennan's hand and place it on my lowers stomach, under my shirt, and just barely under the brim of my shorts.

"Why is there movement?" Brennan asks confused.

"You feel it too?"

"All my friends say that there is no movement in your stomach when you're on your period, but I definitely feel it"

"I do too, and it's really warm"

"Probably because the small people in my stomach started a riot and are trying to use their torches and pitchforks to get out" I joke.

A Summer To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now