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Ayla's POV

The lady squirts the cold blue gel on my belly and starts moving the ultrasound wand around. Today we're finding out if we are having fraternal or identical twins. Because if the babies are identical there are more problems that can occur. Today I am 32 weeks pregnant, and feeling huge already.

After a while of moving the wand around, the woman pauses the screen and points to it.

"As you can see, right here" she points to a specific point on the picture, "the babies are identical. The placenta is split into two, instead of there being two different placentas."

I look over at Brennan, who is smiling.

"You are having two very healthy, identical baby girls. I'll take some pictures, we'll clean you up and then you guys will be free to go"

The lady starts to move the wand around more, trying to get perfect pictures.

She stops it over a spot where you can see both of the babies really well. She takes a couple pictures in different spots and prints them out.

"Thank you" I say as she hands me the strip of photos.

"Of course" she responds as she starts to wipe my belly.

After the doctor leaves Brennan leans down to my belly, he taps on it to try and get the babies attention. "As much as your mom and I love you guys, you need to stay in there longer. And stop scaring us. Keep cooking my little avocados".

Brennan has been calling them avocados since they were the size of avocados. I'm not sure why he still does it, but they're bigger than avocados now. I think it's cute though, and I love avocados.


After we get home Brennan and I lay down to watch Five Feet Apart.

Something other than The Greatest Showman, which doesn't normally happen.

"Are you glad we aren't watching The Greatest Showman this time?" I ask Brennan as we get comfy in bed.

"I actually like The Greatest Showman now" he responds.


"Eh, I think it's more that I really love the girl that has us watch it"

"True" I respond.


I open my eyes, and look at the clock.


I struggle to climb out of bed because I have to pee so badly and because I have two babies in me. I waddle to the bathroom and decide to just pee in the dark. As I wipe, I notice something feels different, looking at the toilet paper I see something dark. I quickly pull up my shorts and walk to the light switch.

I immediately notice blood in the toilet.


I can't lose these babies. My babies.

They weren't planned, but I still love them more than anything.

I start to feel lightheaded so I grab onto the counter to steady myself. I can feel my heart pounding in my stomach.

I'm focused so much on making sure I don't fall over, that I don't even notice that I've started crying. I reach a hand up, feeling the tears.

I try my hardest to walk back to Brennan and I's room as everything else seems a little blurry.

I shake Brennan as soon as I get close enough.

"Ayla, is everything okay?" He asks groggily.

"We need to go to the hospital" I reply shakily.

"What? Why? What happened?" He questions as he starts to get up.

"There's blood" I say, barely audible.


As Brennan drives to the hospital, sobs silently rake through me. Brennan holds my hand, bringing it up to his lips every once in a while to kiss the back.

"Whatever happens, promise me we'll get through it together" I say something for the first time since we got in the car.

"Of course. If you're implying that I'm just going to leave you if we lose..." he pauses, not wanting to finish the sentence, "that's not going to happen. Ayla, I loved you even before the babies were in the picture. Seeing you carrying our future, has made me love you so much more. But there is nothing that will make me stop loving you"

I look out the window, not sure what to say.

After getting to the hospital, Brennan helps me inside the ER.


The doctor moves the wand around my stomach, she pauses after a second and immediately hits the code blue button on the wall.

I squeeze Brennan's hand tighter.

"What's happening? What's wrong?" Brennan asks frantically.

"The babies need to come out now, there should be someone here very soon to prep you. You have something called vasa previa. The fetal vessels that are not protected by the umbilical cord are running over the of the cervix. These vessels can rupture. If we don't get into surgery now, you could lose the babies and your own life. Dad, I'm sorry, since this is emergency and high risk, we cannot allow you in the room." The doctor says quickly.

I look to Brennan as people start coming in to get me ready.

I thought I was going to have more time to prepare for having two babies.

"I'm not ready to be a mom" I say to Brennan.

"You're going to be amazing, I'll help you every way that I can. My family can help too. But this has to happen now." He replies.

They start wheeling me towards the OR. Brennan's allowed to walk with me up to a certain point. We soon make it to that point.

Brennan gives me a quick kiss, "I love you so much" a tear runs down his cheek.

I wipe it away.

"I love you too" I reply.

I let go of Brennan as they punch my through the doors.

"Take care of our babies" Brennan yells.

This is it. I'm having these babies whether I want to or not.


A/N I know that this chapter is kinda short, I just really wanted to get one up and I didn't want the babies to be born in this chapter.

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