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Ayla's POV

It's been a week and today we are going to be on the ship for the day because we are heading home.

I wake up in Brennan's arms. "Good morning" he says as he looks down at me.

"Morning" I reply.

Brennan and I cuddle for a little bit, while I wake up. "I need to showers" I say. Moving myself around to I can get up.

"Can I join?" Brennan asks.

"Sure, but first we have to get up"


"We should probably go and get dressed" I say. Giving him one more quick kiss.

"Mhm" he mumbles against my lips.

I walk out of the bathroom, in a towel. With Brennan right behind me, also in a towel.

As I walk out I see Katie sitting on Brennan and I's bed. I jump, nearly losing my towel.

"Holy crap Katie, you scared the living Jesus out of me. What are you doing here?" I say quickly.

She stands up and starts pacing around, "he asked me out?" She says.

"Who?" I ask.

"Josh, the guy that I told you guys about a couple weeks ago."

"Oh my gosh, did you say yes?"

"Oh course"

"I'd give you a hug, but I'm a little naked."

"Did you guys- shower together?" She asks, looking between Brennan and I.


"Katie could you please leave? I'd like to get dressed" Brennan asks.

"There's a bathroom right there" she says as she point to the door we just walked out of.

"With my girlfriend" Brennan clarifies.

"Ohh. Ew." She says as the realization hits her.

I laugh.

"I'll see you guys later" Katie says as she gets up and walks out the door.


Brennan and I decided to go for a walk around the pool area. It's still early, so there isn't anyone around.

A wave of nausea washed over me, I let go of Brennan's hand and run to the nearest garbage can. I empty my stomach into the trash can. I feel Brennan come up behind me and hold my hair back.

I spit and then wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Are you Okay?" Brennan asks.

"Yeah, probably just motion sickness" I reply nonchalantly.

"You sure you're okay?"



We spend most of our day eating candy and playing shuffleboard. We the went to the arcade.

Brennan, Katie, Ryan, and I were all playing each other in basketball. Not like running up and down the court basketball, the basketball where you stand in the same spot and shoot basketballs, whoever makes the most baskets wins. The game starts and I start throwing basketballs. I'm actually not bad at this game. Which surprises me.

The game ends and I look to see everyone else's score. Ryan's starts dancing. He won.

"Oh yeah, I won" he sings and he dances around.

"I call a rematch" Brennan says.

"Me too" Katie and I say at the same time.

"Ok. But I'm just going to beat you guys again" Ryan says.

"We'll see about that" Katie says.

The machine starts counting down for us.


For dinner, instead of going to the ships cafeteria to eat, we decided to order food to our rooms. And by we, I mean the kids. Jill and Mike are having a date night.

We ordered pizza. There is a knock on the door and Brennan and I are cuddling watching some random show. Katie is just walking out of the bathroom from taking a shower. And Ryan is sitting in the chair in the corner.

"I'll get it" Katie says.

"Good" I say, mostly to Brennan "I don't want to get up" I look up at him.

"Me either" he says smiling. He leans down and plants a kiss to my lips.

I rest my head and Brennan's chest. I feel nauseous again. I get out of Brennan's arms as fast as possible and run to the toilet, emptying my stomach for the second time today. I hear Brennan run in shortly after me and pull my hair back.

"Are you okay?" Katie asks as she walks into the bathroom.

"Yeah" I say before spitting in the toilet. I stand up and so does Brennan. 

I walk over to the sink and wash my mouth out. "It's probably just because I ate too much candy."


I wake up tangled in Brennan's arms, just like every other morning. But this morning, I woke up with a headache and a stomach ache. But the stomach ache was low, kinda like cramps. Its probably just cramps. I'm still somehow extremely tired, which is odd because I went to bed early last night. Brennan is already awake. He tried to get up but I hold on.

"I gotta pee" he tells me.

I sign. "Okay, come back right away. My head and tummy hurt, and I want to cuddle."

He laughs slightly but gets up. Might I add that he is shirtless, and damn, I am so lucky to have him. I smile to myself.

I hear the toilet flush and then the sink run. Before Brennan comes jogging back into our bedroom. He Superman dives onto our bed. Grabbing a pillow and holding it to his chest and slightly under his chin.

"Good morning beautiful" he leans in and kisses me.

"Was that a compliment?" I ask, jokingly.

"I'm sorry, I can't help not complimenting you. Especially when you're so perfect"

I pretend to yawn, "aw man, I just remembered I'm really tired and need to go back to sleep" I say, as I roll over, trying to avoid the conversation, and also trying to go back to sleep. I feel Brennan come up behind me and wrap his arms around him. He plants a kiss on my shoulder. "I love you" he whispers.

"I love you too" I turn over in his arms and plant a kiss on his lips. "Can we stay like this all day?"

"Sure. If that's what you want"

Today is our last day on the cruise ship. We get off the ship tomorrow, mid-day. But we've done everything that we wanted to do. And I haven't been feeling the greatest for a couple days. So I jut want to take today easy. And I really want to cuddle with my shirtless boyfriend. After we get off the ship, I am going to stay with the Donnelly's for a couple weeks or so. Because I am not ready to leave them again.

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