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Ayla's POV

I stop for a moment to give the outside of the plane a pat.

Yes, we're getting on the plane to go back to Maryland. We took everything I owned from my house, I guess I don't live there anymore, so my family's house. We took everything I owed to my grandparents house. There wasn't much stuff. Just mostly clothes and some picture frames of my friends and I. I took the pictures and some of my clothes to bring back with me. The rest my grandparents offered to keep in their basement.

We find our seats, as soon as we are seated and comfortable I turn to Brennan.

"I'm really sorry for how my dad treated you, I'm sorry" I say the last part a little quieter.

"Stop" He says. "It's not your fault. You didn't make you dad say or act the way he did. And you defended me, when you shouldn't of had to. It wasn't your fault. So please stop apologizing." He pauses and smiles "it's kinda like how you don't like compliments"

I smiles back, "oh, so I can apologize over and over again even though you hate it. Because that's what you do, but with compliments"

"That's not what I meant"

"Then what did you mean" I ask.

"I'm not entirely sure, it's just you don't have to apologize for someone else's actions. And I was kinda expecting it. I mean, I got his teenage daughter pregnant, he should have acted that way."

"Just because you got me pregnant shouldn't change things for him. And that's all he cares about, is himself" I look away from Brennan and out the window.

Brennan laces his fingers with mine and kisses the back of my hand. "I love you" he places his hand on my stomach, "and you".

I turn back to him, "I love you too" I place my hand over Brennan's, "and you too".


We walk towards the main doors of the airport where Jill is waiting. "Hey" she says as we open the trunk to put what we have back here.

"Hi" Brennan smiles.

"How did it go?" Jill asks as Brennan and I sit down and buckle up.

Brennan just shakes his head.

"Not good" I reply "very not good"

"Mom, is it okay if Ayla lives with us?" Brennan asks.

"Are you serious?" Jill sounds excited.

"Yeah" Brennan responds.

"My parents kicked me out" I add in.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetheart, and of course you can, I've always wanted another daughter"


I moved what things I had from my suitcase to Brennan's dressers, since were living together now. I guess technically before we were living together, but I lived out of my suitcase. Now I actually get my own couple drawers.

After I finish, I join Brennan on his bed. I sigh, "we're doing the right thing, right?"

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Keeping our baby, I don't mean we should have an abortion. I don't have anything against them, I just wouldn't be able to live with myself" I say.

"So what do you want to do?" He asks.

"I want to keep our baby, but my parents are so against it"

"Like your grandma said, they'll come around. They have to, they're your parents. They can't really disown you for the rest of you life. And we don't need their approval, this is our life. I know they're your parents and so you want to make them proud. But that can't always be the case, you'll slip up a couple times. You're human. I think the best thing to do now, is show them how great of a mom you'll be, even if your only 17. They don't think you can do it? Prove them wrong."

"You're right, this is why I love you" I say.

Brennan hovers his head over mine, and plants a kiss to my lips. As he pulls away, I grab his face and kiss him again.

We pull away when we hear a knock at the door.

"Brennan, Ayla" Jill says "you guys better not be making a baby in there"

"Too late" I say back "I'm already pregnant"

I hear Jill laugh from the other side "I mean you guys better not be making love not when your family is here"

"Mom" Brennan says embarrassed.

"Not while you guys are home? You've got it Mrs. Donnelly" I reply.


It has been a while, today I have a doctors appointment, and we're going to get to see the baby on the ultrasound. Well I take that back, they are doing an ultrasound to find out the gender because I'm about 20 weeks pregnant now. Brenna and I both agreed that we wouldn't look when the did the ultrasound so that we wouldn't even have an idea of what the gender is. We're going to have the doctor write down the gender on a piece of paper and then put it in an envelope. And we are goin to give the envelop to Katie, for her to plan how she is going to do our gender reveal.

We are going to have a party with family and a couple friends. Not too many people. I invited some of my friends from back home and hope that they can afford a ticket. I'd help them pay it, but I really need to save for the baby.

And of course we are going to put it up on YouTube.

The party is in about 2 weeks. So we have a while to wait to actually find out the gender.

As Brennan and I ride to the hospital, we talk about it. "What do you think it is?" I ask Brennan.

"A healthy little baby girl" he says.

"Really? A girl? I think it's a boy. Just because you think it's a girl." I smile at him even though he can't see me because he's driving.

"Oh, the baby is kicking."

I take Brennan's hand and place it where I felt the kicks.

"Wow, the baby is really going crazy in there" he says while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Oo, ow"

"What's wrong?" Brennan asks.

"The baby just kicked my ribs" I say as I place a hand on my ribs in pain.

"Well tell her not to do that" Brennan replies.


"Yeah, I really think it's a girl"

"I hope it's a boy, just so that you're wrong"


Sorry for the long wait. I'm also sorry that this chapter is shorter than normal, I feel like here was a good place to end the chapter.

Thank you @teenwishes03 for making me want to write this chapter in the first place.

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