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Ayla's POV

Katie and Brennan ended up winning the volleyball game. We have just eaten lunch, on the boat. Brennan and Katie also taught be how to do a back flip off the boat. The sun is starting to go down.

"Mom can I take Ayla out on the jet ski" Brennan asks Jill.

Wait what jet ski?

"Sure, just be back before it gets too dark" she replies.

"Okay" Brennan stands and turns to me, holding out his hand slightly bowing "will you go on a jet ski ride with me, my lady?" He says in a terrible British accent.

"I'd be honored" I reply, in a slightly better British accent. And my slightly I mean that we probably sound the same. I grab his hand and stand up.

We grab some life jackets from under some seat. Brennan helps me buckle mine. I guess there is a part on the back of the boat that I never saw. And they keep a jet ski there.

Brennan sets it in the water and gets on with ease. He reaches his hand up to me. I take it and try to get on it as well.

"Can I have your other hand too?" I ask him.

He slightly laughs but gives me his other hand.

"This isn't funny" I say, not fully meaning it. If I were in his position I'd probably be laughing too. "What if I fall and a really big fish comes and eats off my toe. Or what I fall and his my head and your family can't get me to the hospital fast enough, and I die-"

"Just jump" he says.

I don't know why, but I just leaped and somehow landed on the jet ski. But I ended up in front of him, facing him.

"I should probably turn around" I say, my cheeks flushing.

"You can stay how you are, I don't mind" Brennan says, placing his hands on my thighs and leaning his forehead against mine.

"You are so beautiful" he says.

I pick my head up from leaning against his, "wow, way to ruin the moment with a compliment"

I stand slightly and before I can think, I turn around.

"We better get going, we don't have much time until we need to be back" I say to Brennan.

He starts the jet ski and we ride into the sunset. Literally, the sun was setting and we rode towards it. I hold on to whatever I can, to keep me from falling.

After a little while of riding, Brennan stops. Right in the middle of no where.

"Ayla, we need to talk" Brennan says.

I instantly get nervous and can feel my heart slamming against my chest. I don't even know what to think.

"What is it?" I ask as I turn around to face him.

He takes a deep breath, "where is our relationship going. Because I really like you, but you're moving back soon. And I don't know if I can do long distance."

My heart drops.

Is he breaking up with me?

"I really like you too... but I don't think long distance will work" a tear slides down my face. I guess it's time to be honest. With Brennan, and myself.

"So... you're saying that we should... break up" he says, his voice shaky.

"I really don't want to." I look up into his eyes and see tears forming "but I think it's what's best for both of us"

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