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Ayla's POV

I look at the pregnancy test and immediately start crying. I drop to the floor on my knees and put my head to the floor, balling my eyes out.


"Ayla" I hear Katie say before a sniffle "it'll be okay" she rubs my back. "Please don't cry".

I don't know how long I stay like that. But after a while, Katie's hand leaves my back. A little bit later, someone sits down next to me and pulls me into their lap. I lay my head on Brennan's chest. At this point, I'm out of tears. Brennan holds me for a little bit before he starts talking.

"Ayla, will you please tell me what is wrong? Katie went and got me and told me that you needed help, but to stay calm and wait to ask questions. But Ayla, please tell me."

"I-I'm p-pregnant," I say, barely louder than a whisper.

Brennan immediately pulls me in for a kiss. "I love you" he whispers against my lips.

"And you" he places a hand on my stomach, talking to our baby.

I know, we still have to confirm it. But there is a very small chance that's it's a false positive.

" I love you too" I reply.

"And you too," I say placing my hand over Brennan's.

"We'll figure this out. I'll get a job. You and I can both finish high school because the baby won't be here for a while. We can get our own place." Brennan says, sounding kinda excited. And I'm not going to lie, the main reason I was crying, was because I was scared Brennan would be mad and break up with me.

But just knowing that Brennan will be amazing like he always is, makes me slightly excited for this baby. I know, I'm 17, Brennan is 17, even though he will be an adult soon. We're still young, and raising this baby is going to be difficult.

"I'm not trying to persuade you guys at all but I'm just saying, you have more options than just keeping it," Katie says.

I look at Brennan, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I got an abortion" I whisper.

"I really don't want you to get an abortion either." He pauses, "I don't know if I would be able to live with the fact that I have a child out in the world that has no clue who I am."

"I don't know if I could live with that either."

Brennan smiles and places his lips on mine, "We are going to have a baby" he mumbles against my lips.

"We're going to have a baby" I mumble back, smiling, not being able to believe it.

"We need to tell my parents," Brennan says.

My smile goes away, but I nod my head "Yeah, let me take the other two pregnancy test first, just to be extra positive."

"Okay," Brennan says, standing up, still, holding onto me.


Since finding out that I'm pregnant, Brennan and I have just been waiting for the right moment to tell his parents, and I am terrified.

We are all currently cleaning up from dinner. After Katie and Ryan's things are cleaned up, Katie asks Ryan, "Hey, do you want to go play some Wii in my room?"

"Sure" He responds.

After Brennan and I finish cleaning up our stuff we sit on the couch. I fidget my hands constantly, I'm extremely nervous.

When Mike and Jill are done, Brennan yells out to them, "Mom, dad, can we talk to you?"

"Sure, we'll be right over" Jill replies.

When she is finished she walks over to the other couch and sits down, next to Mike.

Brennan grabs onto my hands to help stabilize them, I look up into his eyes. I can tell he notices the tear forming in my eye.

"Mom, dad, we have something really important to tell you" Brennan starts, "I really don't know how to tell you" Brennan looks to me.

This is how we rehearsed it, and yes we practiced how we are going to tell them.

"I'm pregnant," I say, barely louder than a whisper, letting a tear escape my eye.

I see Jill's face, it shows a bit of disappointment. Making me start to cry, the last thing I want is for her to be disappointed in me.

She immediately pulls me into a hug, "Honey, it will be okay."

After we finish hugging, I sit back down next to Brennan and Jill next to Mike.

"I'm not exactly sure what to say," Mike starts.

"Have you guys chosen what you want to do with the baby yet? You have options"

"We have decided to keep it because we don't think we'd be able to live knowing that we got an abortion, or if we gave away our child to someone else, and our baby not knowing who we are," I say.

"Okay, we will support you guys in anything," Jill says.

"If you guys need some money, baby supplies, we want to help," Mike says.

"Thank you guys so much," I say.

"Yeah, thank you" Brennan also says.

After a while of us all just talking, Jill and Mike started to get a little-excited knowing that they have a grandchild on the way. They believe that even though we are so young, we can do it. And I'd have to agree. I feel like this is definitely something doable, no one said it was going to be easy, it will probably be extremely difficult most of the time, but this is what I want to do with mine and Brennan's baby. Brennan and his dad get caught in the own conversation. I take this oportunity to talk to Jill about some of the girl aspects about it.

"Jill, can you please schedule me an appointment with an OB/GYN? Since I'm not from around here, I don't really know which doctors are really good and which ones aren't." I ask.

"Of course, I schedule you an appointment with the doctor that delivered Brennan, Katie and Ryan"

"Thank you" I reply hugging Jill.

"Wait" Ryan says, coming out of Katie's room, "Katie said that Ayla's pregnant, is this true?" He asks.

"Yes" I reply.

Ryan jumps up and down, "Yes" He says, "I get to be an uncle. I'm going to be the best uncle I can be."

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