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Ayla's POV

I say without thinking.

But after I said it is when all the thinking starts to catch up with me.

Shoot, why would I say that?

He told me I was the one, does he truly mean it?

I trust him, and I trust that he wouldn't say it if he did mean it, but... I don't know.

Brennan tucks some hair behind my ear and placing his hand on my cheek. He leans in quicker than I've ever seen him before. He leaned in like he want and needed the kiss. Just how I felt. But I never truly knew how much I needed him, until I felt his lips on mine.

The kiss started slow and gentle. I shift my sitting position so that I am facing him. He hand travels from my cheek down to my waist. I lift my hand and rest it on the back of his head. I pull him closer, deepening the kiss. I lift my body so that I am on my knees.

I scoot my body closer before climbing on his lap, straddling him. I move me hand so that I can wrap my arms around his neck. He grabs my waist with both of his hands and pulls me as close to him as possible. As his tongue glides against mine, I feel the electricity shoot trough my body. It's a feeling I don't think I can ever get used to. Brennan placed his hands under the rim of my shirt on my bare skin. Making my skin tingle every place that he touches.

Right as I think that this is going further, it starts full on down pouring. We pull away and I laugh. "Wow, the rain has great timing"

He laughs slightly too, "We should probably get going"

"Oh yeah" I slowly stand up, using his shoulders to help me. Once I am standing I reach my hand down to help him up. Not having a care in the world that it is down pouring. Probably because I'm still in a daze from making out with Brennan.

He takes my hand and pulls himself up, before walking to the car I see him adjust his pants. I smile to myself, knowing that I have the same affect on him that he does on me.

We walk to the car grabbing the blanket and our garbage on the way. Once we get to the car, we get in. He instantly starts it and starts driving on the way back to my house.

"Do you think your mom will let me sleep in your room?"

"Not a chance, but you can probably sneak into my room after everyone's asleep"

He places his hand on my thigh, "as much as I would love to, you brother already hates me, I don't need your parents hating me too"

I sighs as he looks at the road, "I'm really sorry I made you cry. I thought the breakup was what you wanted so I went along with it to make you happy."

"Are you kidding me Brennan, the breakup was the last thing I wanted. I didn't want you to have to hold back if you know, you found someone else" the last part comes out a little louder than a whisper.

"I will never find someone like you. Someone that can put a smile on my face, no matter what mood I'm in. Someone who wasn't all over me from the start of knowing each other. Though, to be honest I wouldn't have minded."

"To be fair, I had a crush on you from the vlogs"

"Most girls do" he says jokingly.

"Just shut up and continue with what you were saying."

"Ok. It might sound kind of girly, but I've always wanted the perfect love story too. But you've showed me that it doesn't need to standardly perfect, for it to be perfect to me. And that's something I never thought would happen, so thank you"

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