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Ayla's Pov

Brennan and I wake up around 11 and decide to go to the cafeteria to get some food. After eating we go back up our room and get ready for the day. I get dressed in some Adidas athletic pants, a basic baby blue t-shirt, and of course, my trusty medium high white converse.

"You ready?" Brennan asks as I finish packing up a couple things.

"Yeah" I reply.

Brennan grabs my hand and we meet the rest of the family outside our room.


I stop briefly to pat the outside of the plane for good luck.

After we met with the family, we all got off the ship and took a taxi to the airport, which is why we are now getting on an airplane. We are going back to Brennan's house because I'm staying with them for a couple weeks. Before I have to go back to Wisconsin. The most boring state ever. All we have is corn, and I guess cheese. But I personally think we have more corn that cheese. That's just me though.

"Do you always pat the outside of the plane?" Brennan asks me.

"Always. I want good luck when I'm thousands of feet above the ground and could go tumbling down for any reason at any minute." I reply as we walk down the aisle.

"Wow, thanks for putting that image in my head"

"You're welcome" I pause as we continue to walk, "You're not going to try to fight me for the window seat this time?" I ask.


"Not that I mind, because I love the window seat, but why not?"

"Because I love you and I love when you're happy, so if sitting by the window makes you happy, you can have it.

"Awww" I hear Katie say from in front of me.

"And because if we fight, I know you're going to win," Brennan says truthfully.

"There it is"


The flight was a little less than 4 hours. Not that I minded, I love being on planes. After we got off the plane and got our bags, we got another taxi to the Donnelly's house. We walk in the door and everyone drops their stuff. Jill sets some of her stuff on the kitchen counter and then turns to me, just as Brennan comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Since you and Brennan are together, I don't mind if you and Brennan share his bed. It's not like anything funky can go on anyways, because Ryan will also be sleeping in that room. So I'm okay with it." Jill says as she looks at Mike as if for approvement.

"I'm fine with it too," Mike says, "If you are, Ayla"

"Actually Brennan kinda hogs the bed-" You start, jokingly.

Jill and Mike laugh. Ryan and Katie have already left to go put their stuff in their rooms.

"I do not" Brennan defends.

"You definitely do, but I'm okay with it," I respond.

"What do you guys want for supper?" Jill asks.

"I don't really care" Brennan replies.

"Ayla?" Jill asks me.

"Um," I say thinking of what my favorite food is, "Pizza burgers?" I question.

"What are those?" Brennan asks.

"It's essentially meat, pizza sauce, and cheese on a hamburger bun" I explain.

"Oh, I used to eat those when I was a kid, I think I still know how to make them," I say.

"I can help" I offer.

"I'd love that" Jill replies.

"Okay, I'm going to go watch some football, theirs a good game going on soon. Dad, you wanna join?" Brennan asks, before kissing my shoulder and walking towards the couch.

"I'd love to," Mike replies, before joining his son on the couch.

"Where do we begin?" Jill asks me.


After dinner, Jill and Mike decided to watch a TV show they've been watching for a while, in their room. The kids or I guess kind of adults because technically Brennan and I are adults.


We decided to watch Grey's Anatomy, specifically the episode where Derek dies. Ryan doesn't really watch Grey's Anatomy but he decided to watch it with us anyway.

Derek slightly lifts the woman's shirt to check where she said she was having pain. He notices something is extremely wrong, but tells the woman that she will be fine.

"Ugh, I hate that I know what's coming." I say.

"Me too" Katie adds.

"What do you guys mean?" Brennan asks.

Katie and I both know what is coming, but it is Brennan's first time seeing this episode.

"You'll see." Katie says.

After the ambulance comes and rescues all of the people, since Derek isn't injured he hops in his car. He starts to pull out of the scene but remembers that he needs to call his wife, but can't find his phone. He reaches down next to his seat, and a semi-truck turns around the corner. I turn my head into Brennan's chest, not wanting to see one of my favorite fictional characters die again, because I've already seen it once.

I peek up and Brennan's face and see he has his jaw dropped. "They can't do that" He says. "No, not Derek, he's got a wife and two children, and he's such a good surgeon, no" Brennan's says, or more like argues with the TV.

"Please tell me he lives" Brennan says, looking at Katie and then at me, I hide my face in his chest before he can see my tear streaked face. I know what happens and I don't want to give it away.

Yes I know that Derek Shepherd is just a fictional character, but it's still really sad.


After, Meredith talks with the surgeon, she walks into Derek's room and lays next to his brain dead body as Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol plays.

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told

Before we get too old

Show me a garden that's bursting into life

By now I'm basically balling, the music, the situation, it's just so sad.

Brennan pulls me into my chest and just holds me. I notice Katie balling too, I wiggle out of Brennan's grip and over to Katie, to give her a hug. Hugs are just the best when you're crying. I am now sitting in between Katie and Brennan. Brennan grabs my hand and kisses my forehead. "I love you" He says.

"I love you too." I reply.

"Please don't ever die on me" He says.

I laugh slightly even though the situation is terrible, "I'll try not to." I say turning to give Brennan a passionate, but quick kiss before we go back to watching Grey's Anatomy.


I'm sorry if there is inconsistencies, I don't exactly remember if Brennan was watching Grey's Anatomy for the first or second time. But I hope you enjoy anyways 😁

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