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Ayla's POV

My heart skips a beat.

I love him too.

But I can't tell him because I want to make this break up easier on him.

Instead of telling him, I lean in and kiss him one more time.

"Last call for flight 14 from Maryland to Wisconsin"

I sniffle and wipe my nose.

"I have to go, bye. I'll miss you guys" I say as I grab my suitcase and jog towards the gate of my plane.

Before stepping on the plane, I give it a quick pat.


I ended up getting a window seat. After quickly finding my seat, I sit down and get comfortable. Looking out my window, I can see the family that I wish I could stay with, gathering their things to leave the airport. A tear glistens down my cheek. I'm going to miss all of them so much.

As soon as the plane lifts off the ground, I close my eyes. Hoping to fall asleep before I fall apart.


"Please put your seat belts on, tray tables up, and your seat in up right position. Our flight will be over soon. Thank you for choosing to fly with us." I hear a woman say into an intercom.

When our plane lands, I grab my backpack and my suitcase. Making sure I don't forget anything on the plane. Once I walk off I see my entire family. I walk over to my brother and give him a hug.

"How was your vacation? Did you meet any boys?" He asks me.

"It was amazing, and so was the guy I met" the smile falls off my face, but I quickly replace it and I don't think he notices.

"So you finally have a boyfriend?"

"No we decided to end it because of the distance"

"What? You finally get a male to like you and hen you just let him go?"

"Yeah I know" I roll my eyes, and walk to my sister.

As I approach her, she tries to hug me. I place my hand on her forehead and push her away.

"Was hanging with your friends all summer worth it?"

"I wish I would have came with"

"Yeah you do, it's was definitely a summer to remember"

"You ready to go home?" My mom asks.

"Yep, let's go"


The entire way home we listen to The Greatest Showman. Except my brother, he says he doesn't like the movie, but every time it's on, he watches it. He has headphones in, and is probably listening to Youngblood.

Once we get home, I check my phone. Finding messages from Katie.

I miss you, please come back.

I don't think Brennan or I will be able to survive without you.

And some texts from Brennan.

I miss you sooooo much already, I don't know how I'm going to be able to watch The Greatest Showman without you.

Have a safe flight❤️

I send them quick texts back, before making my way up to my room to unpack. After unpacking, I call it a night. Even though I can't sleep because of all the extra sleep I got today and because of the thoughts running in my head.

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