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(Brendons character will be played by Tripp bowers :) )

I don't have many friends. I actually don't think I have any friends. It's just my dad and I at home. My mom left us a long time ago, I don't speak with her that often. Sometimes she visits, other times she just sends me cards and letters. She's only visited me twice. My dad hates her, but they pretend to like each other whenever they're near me so they don't hurt my feelings. It doesn't work. School sucks. It's like prison except they let us out every 7 hours, but then we have to go back.

"Brendon come down, I ordered pizza!"

"Coming dad!"

My dad doesn't know how to cook, so he usually just orders food. It's nice sometimes, but it gets kinda old, having almost the same thing every week.

"How are you doing son"

"Fine, what about you?" I say as I grab a slice of pizza and begin eating it.

"Eh, I had a tough day at work" he runs his hands through his hair.

"Oh really? what happened?" I sit down and listen to him as I continue eating the slice of pizza.

"Some jackass tried to hack into my bank account, I tried to change the password but then moments later, I get call from bank account saying 250 bucks was taken from my account " he says while he swings his hands in the air.

"Dang, what are you gonna do?" I finish eating my pizza and start walking towards him.

"I don't know yet, but first I'm gonna try and find out who got into my bank account and stole my damn money" he has an angry look on his face as he walks off to the living room.

I grab a glass of water and head back to my room. Dang, he's really pissed. I decide to go to sleep early, so I don't end up waking up tired for school tomorrow.

I turn off my lights and get into bed. I shut my eyes and I slowly start to drift asleep.


I wake up to the sound of my beeping alarm. I groan as I turn it off and cover my face with the covers. My least favorite part of the day is waking up, and having to get ready for another day of prison.

I get up, brush my teeth, take a shower, get changed and leave the house, but then I turn around I think about breakfast.

I don't eat breakfast. I don't know why but I'm just not hungry when I wake up. Plus I don't feel like making myself something to eat. I'll just grab a breakfast bar for the way. And thats exactly what I did. I quickly grabbed one of those Nutri grain healthy bars from the counter and then proceeded to head out the house to my car.

I'm 17. I'm a senior at franklin high. I hate my school. Everyone there is so......different then how I am. I think that's why I have no friends, or it could be that I'm just really shy and don't like talking to people.

I get in my car and start driving to my school. I park and get out of my car when already see a fight starting right in front of the school. I scoff and head to my lockers.


I open my locker and grab for my books for first hour, and that's when I see her. Mila Richard. My whole middle school crush. I have to admit she is really pretty, she has gorgeous dark silky hair, smooth tan skin, bright golden/ greyish eyes, and a stunning body. She could be model if she wanted to.

What the hell am I saying she's a horrible person

Basically what I'm trying to say is that Mila and I were best friends in middle school. I was planning on asking her out once we got to high school, but then she starting hanging out with different people and we not slowly, actually it was pretty quickly, we drifted apart. We never talk anymore, maybe steal a couple glances here and there, but that's all.

I stopped staring after she looked back at me, our eyes met for like 2 seconds and then I broke it. I quickly grabbed my books, and I shut my locker pretty loudly to where some people were staring at me, I roll my eyes and walk into class.

"Brendon? brendon?.......hellooo are you even listening?"

I break my gaze off of what I was thinking of and pay attention to what was going on.

"Uh, y-yeah?" I focus on amber. Amber, she's pretty cool I guess but I barely know her.

"Did you even hear anything i said?" She crosses her arms and looks at me with one of her eyebrows raised.

"Um....n-no not really sorry, but why? Why'd you say?" I lean towards my desk and look at her

"Your my partner for the project we're doing" she smiles sarcastically.


The bell rings and now it's finally time for lunch. Thank god

I smile back as I grab my stuff and start walking to my locker.

She's stops me halfway by grabbing my arm



"We're working on this at my place, here's my number, I'll text you my address later" she hands a slip of paper with her number on it.

I nod and smile at her as she leaves the classroom

I tuck the slip of paper in my pocket as I walk out of classroom and I bump into someone as I walk out causing me to drop all my stuff on the floor.

"Sorry" I say bending down grabbing my stuff.
She reply's with a "whatever" my eyes widen a bit because I know that voice. I stand up with all my books with me and face towards the girl.


And that my friends is MY FIRST CHAPTER DONE. Ahh what do you think? This took a lot of time to write and I'm pretty happy with the way this turned out. It's almost 4 am and I should be sleeping by know. But anyway I hope you guys liked my first chapter. I'll try my best to keep updating every now and then.

Oh and sorry I didn't really do an introduction, I kinda forget. Anyway just to warn you guys, there will be mature content in here. EX: Swearing, mature scenes, emotional scenes, depression, sickness, and stuff like that :) prepare yourself!

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