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Milas p.o.v:

As I finished showering, I looked at the time and checked my phone for any messages. It was 6:00 pm, and I got a text back from Brendon. He said about he's down for meeting up and excited to see me again. That makes me happy.

I set my phone back down and begin to start getting dressed. I threw out a lot of of...inappropriate clothing that I had and started buying more modest clothing. I also cut off a lot of fake friends that I had and kept a smaller friend group. Not only that, but I also started wearing less makeup nowadays, and just going with more natural looks. I like it better.

I quickly got dressed and went downstairs to pass some extra time.

"How are you feeling Mila?" My dad asks from the living room.

"Definitely better!" I reply as I go wash an apple to eat.

"You look happy, are you going somewhere?" He asks again while turning to towards me with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'm seeing Brendon, is that fine?" I ask, hoping he won't mind. I take a bite of my apple.

"Yeah it's fine, I just don't want you wasting your energy, remember what the doctor said?" He stands up walking towards the kitchen, raising his eyebrows at me.

I roll my eyes, "yes, I remember, and don't worry I'm not!" I say, with my mouth full. He turns around with a hand on his hip.

"Eat with your mouth closed, no one wants to see that Mila" he points a finger at me.

I finish chewing. "Whatever" I roll my eyes again and walk away. I start going back upstairs to my room and lay in my bed until it's 7:00 pm.

Brendon's p.o.v:

I can't let Kevin get away with whatever he's going to do. He might hurt Mila! Anger rushes through me like a raging fire, I never knew I could get this mad, usually I feel sad because I'm a sensitive little bitch, but not right now. Right now I'm extremely angry. Somehow, my anger manages to let me free, because before I know it, the rope that was once tied around my wrists, are now on the ground.

Holy shit that hurt. I begin to untie my legs, which was pretty difficult since my hands were kinda numb. After a few tries, I finally got it to get off. I was free. Thank you, god. Now I just have to figure out how to get out of this creepy room. This is when all my efforts in lock picking paid off. I got lucky because I had a safety pin on me. Things are turning up.

I managed to unlock the door, and I found myself literally in the middle of nowhere. I'm surrounded by trees and bushes... how the hell am I ever going to get out of here!?

I decided that my only choice is to run, and just keep on running 'till I find a car. So, that's exactly what I did. I just kept running.

Milas p.o.v :

I've finally reached the hill. I'm so nervous I'm shaking. I'm so excited to see him. I really do miss him. I miss him so much. As I'm walking up the hill I see a familiar car, not the kind I was looking forward to seeing.  No way! That can't be him. Why would he even be here? How would he even know where I am?!

As soon I realize that he actually is here and that Brendon isn't, I start to run. He sees me. Now he's running too. A lot faster. My heart rate is pulsing so fast, and my knees are going weak. This isn't good.

I thought that this was it for me. That it's over and I'm done now until I felt two strong hands wrap around me and pull me away somewhere safe. I couldn't get a chance to see who it was, because after I fell to the hard concrete floor, the person ran away.

And it wasn't Brendon.

I don't know where I am. I can't hear anything other than my heavy breathing and my heart racing. I try to calm down. Take a few deep breaths but I can't. I can't calm down.

Then everything goes black.

You know I thought today was going to be the day of a new me. A new nicer, healthier, smarter me. I guess I was wrong.

Brendon's p.o.v:

"Just tell me where she is, I won't hurt her okay? Trust me!" I yell, running my hands through my hair, trying to catch my breath from all the running.

"How do I know you won't do what the other guy was going to do?" He raises an eyebrow at me, crossing his arms.

Is he actually insane?

"He's the one who kidnapped me! You're telling me I'm going to team up with my own kidnapper to hurt the girl I care about the most?! THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE!!" I'm screaming now, throwing my hands up just to slam it back down. 

"How do you even know her?! I've never seen you before." I ask him, calming down a little.

"Wow, she's really never mentioned me even once? Huh? Well, that hurts.." he responds furrowing his eyebrows to show his confusion.

Now I'm even more confused.

"You never answered my question, how do you know her?!" I ask again, this time a little harsher. I'm losing my patience.

"Take a guess"

"I don't want to take a fucking guess!" I stand up now, and I'm yelling again.

"How do you know her?" He asks me now, completely ignoring what I just said.

"I'm her best friend! we've been friends since middle school!" I snap back.

"Ah I see, you were 'Brendie' correct?" He asks me, letting his crossed arms go to his pockets.

"How do you know that nickname? Only she called me that." I ask. this is all getting so confusing.

"Yeah I know, she talked about you a lot. It was annoying." He answers.

"Okay seriously, who are you?" I sit back down. I'm exhausted.

He lets out a sigh and takes two steps towards me. He gives me a little smile while crouching down till we are at eye level. I stare back.

"I'm Henry, her older brother"

Authors note: Gasp! Wow, what a plot twist! Sorry I haven't been writing that much. My motivation has been down, but now it's back up and I even have a little announcement to make soon!

Votes and comments motivate me!
Word count:1113

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