Chapter 14.

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Henry's pov:
People don't know much about me so let me introduce myself. My parents don't like me. In fact they despise me. Ever since I've been born I have been constantly ignored by them. They hid me from everyone, even my own little sister. I was always a "bad" kid. I never knew why my parents hated me and they never told me either. I had a couple anger issues as a child so I kept inside the house for almost my entire life. I was homeschooled, and was never allowed to make contact with much of the "outside" world. I never understood it and they never cared to explained why. It lead me to the only explanation which was that they hated me. I was diagnosed with depression at a very young age because of the way I was treated growing up. I had no friends....except one. Mila, my younger sister who was the one person I knew actually loved and cared about me. She would always play and talk with me when I was alone. She would tell me about her days at school. When I first found out about her new best friend, I was a little scared.

I was worried that she would no longer pay attention to me and I would be left alone again with no one to keep me company. I was isolated from everyone. The only person who washed away a bits of the loneliness that I felt consuming me was now becoming closer and closer to her new bestie. Becoming farther, and farther from me. Mila was not allowed to speak about me. Very little amounts of people knew about me. Everyone else believed Mila was a only child. Unknown to the secret sibling that was kept in the basement away from everyone.

All I wanted was attention, because no gave me any. When I found out about Brendon I was angry. He was her first best friend. I didn't like the fact that he was the one taking Mila slowly away from me, but when I saw how happy Mila was when ever she talked about him to me, some of the anger would fade. As long as Mila was happy I was happy.

In my teen years, I became much more rebellious. I went against almost everything my parents told me. They would scowl at me, and only sometimes physically abuse me (like a spank or little slap; didn't hurt too bad, I was just a dramatic kid) when I would raise my voice too high to their liking. One day, I had managed to escape. When I did a new feeling rushed over me. It's been so long since I felt a fresh breeze, or even see the sun. I was as pale as ghost. I lived my life for those 3 hours. I had the biggest smile on my face. Freedom, finally. Well freedom for at least 3 hours. Somehow my parents found me and dragged me back to the basement. They were furious with me. So they did the one thing they thought was best. They packed up my stuff. Kicked me out. I was left alone

It's ridiculous. Honestly.

"We want you out of here.."

I never understood it. I wanted to so badly, yet I couldn't. They hate me. And I hate me too.

"I hated this place anyway"

A sharp stinging pain spread on my cheek. I had to fight back the tears that were rushing in.

"Get out of my house!"

I was only 17, but once I left, I felt sorta happy, that changed soon however. I got to be with multiple different families. I jumped from one foster home to another. Every family said I was too difficult to control though, so I never found a family that stuck with me. I missed Mila, and I hated the fact that I couldn't see my little sister, or talk with her.

Once I was eighteen, I found a job, started working, and got an apartment. I've been slowly doing better. I got my diploma from online school. College was definitely out of the picture since it was too expensive and I'm not smart in any way. I made a couple friends here and there but again nothing filled the hole I was for some reason still feeling. I contemplated seeing a therapist but rejected my thoughts and continued to live my life the way it is.

Then... I couldn't do it. I had to see her. My little baby sister, I had to see her and it had to be now. So that day I bought a plane ticket to my hometown. I had also recently found out my mother passed away. No matter how much I might have hated her it still hurt knowing I couldn't say goodbye. I finally reached my old house and noticed the same dark blue van in the driveway. I was terrified. Terrified if they will reject me, or even worse not remember me.

I walked up to the doors of what I used to call my own prison. Knocked the door twiced and rang the doorbell. I stood back a step and waited.....

The door opens and I stand face to face with my dad. We stood there staring at each other for a couple seconds. I decided to break the silence.

"Mr. letker?" My voice sounded a lot weaker than I wanted it to.

"Who's asking?" He replied. Does he seriously not remember? I have to be strong.

"H-Henry" I spoke pretty low, silently hoping he didn't hear me, so I can turn around a pretend that none of this happened.

"Henry?, my son Henry?" His eyes widen and his arms drop from the door.

I nod while looking everywhere else but him.

"Where's Mila? I came to see her."

"Oh, uh she left a few moment ago to see her friend- wait my boy Henry? That really you?" He opens the door slightly wider than before.

I finally meet his eyes, I almost gasp at the sight of my dads eyes tearing up? No, that can't be. He hates me, why would he be crying?

"Yeah dad, it's really me..." I managed to give him a small smile just out of pure kindness.

What a didn't expect was him giving me a small smile back and then pulling me into a tight hug.

I couldn't help the tears that were now falling down my cheeks.

Authors note: yeah I know I haven't updated this story in like a year I'm sorry I just got bored and lost motivation, I'm gonna try my best to finish it though :) enjoy this hopefully ur not too confused anymore. COMMENT IF U WANT THIS STORY TO KEEP COMING. Stay safe! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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