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I stood there pursing my lips while contemplating if I should go to this party with Mila.

I finally give in.

Why not it might actually be fun.

"Why not" I shrug my shoulders and she squeals while jumping in place. I chuckle to myself as I watched her get excited.

"Yayyy, oh my god. I promise you Brendon" she points to me while raising her brows. "You will NOT regret it!" She tells me as she claps her hands still smiling like crazy.

Her smile was contagious.

I couldn't help but laugh at her little excited dances.

"Okay, so when is this party anyway?" I ask while getting into my car and starting it, but not closing the door, so she can still talk with me.

"I just said a couple minutes ago that it was tonight, idiot" she told me in a 'duh' tone, while   Leaning on her side against my car.

"Oh" was all I can say. I guess I got too distracted that I wasn't listening.

But distracted by what?

Her cute dances that made laugh?

Or the way she got so excited?

For gosh sake, what wrong with me?

"I'll pick you up at eight, okay?" I nod to her after she tells me and starts walking away. I buckle my seat belt, and just as I was about to close my car door. She quickly stops and turns around before telling me, "And pleaseee wear something nice, but not formal, like cool."

What does that even mean. I look at her confused.

"You know what, I'll just come over at 7:00 and help you out a bit" she smiles to me before waving goodbye and walking away.

I smile back as I nod to her. Then I finally close my car door and drive away.



I'm on the couch, eating chips, watching "Friends" as I slightly jump in my seat after hearing loud knocks coming from the front door. I groan as I turn off the tv and get up to dust off the crumbs all over me.

I then walk/ jog over the front door yelling "coming". As soon as I open the front door, my eyes immediately meet with Mila, smiling widely at me with a bag in her hand.

"Hi" she smiles.

"Hi" I say as I smile back at her.

"Can I come in?" She ask looking past me through my house.

"Of course, come in" I open the door all the way and move giving her room to walk inside.

She walks inside and I close the front door, turning back around to face her. I give her cheesy awkward smile, not really knowing what to say.

"So, where your room?" She asks after examining the place.

"Oh yeah! Um it's down this hallway.....over here" I walk down the hallway towards my bedroom as she follows behind me.

I made sure I cleaned it before she came. I didn't want to seem like a messy person, cause I'm not. Well?

She sits down near the edge of my bed placing the bag she had carefully beside her.

"What's the bag for?" I ask pointing at her the bag sitting next to her.

She turns to look at it then back at me.

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