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Once we got back home, i carefully walked back to my room (because i was in pain) and closed the door.  I didn't speak to any of my parents, actually i didn't speak to anyone after what happened with Mila. I felt so much confusion during the entire thing, but the moment i saw her walk into my room, all i felt was anger.

I couldn't sleep that night. i just laid in my bed thinking of why mila came to see me, the whole night i just kept asking myself these questions. I was so curious, and i still am.

Since I couldn't sleep I decided to go for a walk. I know this was probably the stupidest idea ever, considering it was 4:37 AM, but I was just in the mood. I wanted to clear my mind from all the thoughts I've been having about Mila.


As I was walking, I noticed that I've reached to Milas house. This whole time I've just been strolling around the neighborhood and all of sudden I'm at her house.

Should I apologize?

I mean what I said to her was kind of harsh I guess, or maybe she took it the wrong way. Was I being too mean? did I sound like a jerk?
All I wanted to know was why she really came to see me. I didn't mean to seem like an asshole and yell at her.

Now I'm here.....standing right in front of her front porch . At 5:04 AM. Not knowing what to do or say or anything.


I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about my mom and if something terrible happened that could lead me to losing her. I thought about my dad and how he's gonna support me, the house, bills, and more all by himself. I even thought about Brendon and everything he told me that day I saw him at the hospital. I felt useless.

It's 5:04 AM. I cried the entire night. Then I stopped when I heard something outside. At first I thought it was just some random animal at out front porch. I was going ingore it and go back to sleep. Then I heard it again. It didn't sound like an animal, so I slowly got up and walked to look out my window. And I saw something I thought I'd never see outside my house.


Part of me got happy to see him. The other part was confused for why he was standing outside my house. At 5:04 AM.

I wiped away my tears and I opened my front door, which startled him.
"What are doing here? It's 5 in the morning." My voice was still kinda shaky from all the crying and I could tell my eyes were puffy and red, but I was hoping he wouldn't notice.

"I um....I'm not sure" he looked just as confused as I was.

"Well are you gonna go back home or stay here?" I asked.

"Are you okay? You seem like you've been crying" he actually looked worried.

I roll my eyes and scoff "I'm fine, now answer my question" I almost demanded.

"Oh yeah your question.....what was it again?" He says scratching the back of his head.

For some reason I found that cute and smiled , I stopped after realizing what I was doing. I snapped back and answered him.

"My question was are you gonna go back home, or stay?" I asked again in way showing that I was getting annoyed.

"Depends...would you let me stay?" He asks me smiling a little. Which kinda made me blush.

The sun was starting to rise. I got off track and started staring into the sunrise. Exaiming the beautiful magical colors softly blending with the other colors. It was almost like I was in my own world.

"Mila?...." "hello?"

I got cut off my Brendon and looked back at him. "Y-yeah?"

He looks behind him to see where I was looking and stops, doing just as what I did....admiring the magical sunrise. He turns back around and looks right into my eyes. He then starts walking towards me, and I can feel my heart rate picking up as he walks closer.

"Do you wanna watch the sunrise together? we don't even have to talk, we can just sit and watch." He asked almost whispering and in the sweetest voice ever.

I couldn't resist his offer.

"Sure, why not" I smiled at him and he smiled back. My voice wasn't shaky anymore, and my tears were dry.

We both sat down next to each other and watched the sunrise in silence. I enjoyed it. It was peaceful. And I felt safe.


She looked so beautiful watching the sunrise. How can a human being be this gorgeous. I couldn't stop staring at her and smiling. It was a weird feeling, but I enjoyed it....a lot.

She looks back at me and sees me staring at her. I then look away. She giggles. "What?" I ask while smiling.

"You were staring." She blushes and continues to giggle.

"I was not!" I scoff, but then I realize I was blushing too, from the embarrassment.

"Yeah, you were!" She turns her body facing me. I look at her.

"I was checking out your freckles" I lay down placing my hands behind my head. She lays down too, still facing me.

"Checking out my freckles?" She says in between laughs.

"Yeah I was counting them too" I tell her while still blushing and smiling.

She laughs laying on her back. And then looks at me again.

"Well then you can't tell me you aren't blushing cause it's way too obvious" she giggles again.

I turn to face her while moving the position of my arms. "My cheeks are naturally pink..okay?I got it from my mom." I turn back facing the sky.

She continues to look at me and smiles. I could see her from the corner of my eye and she stills looks so beautiful.

"Now your the one who's staring" I sorta whisper to her. She blushes and turns back facing the sky just like I am.

She lets out a sigh and moves closer to me. I watch her as she grabs my arm and wraps her arm with mine. Then she rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. And I let it happen, cause it just felt right. Then I looked at her, and changed my position to match better with hers. I closed my eyes and let the moment last. It was relaxing. I loved every bit of it.

She makes me feel safe.

Authors note:
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. But here's Chapter 5. Please enjoy it, I really like how it turned out. Also I'd really appreciate some comments. I would love to hear what you think of my book so far and Maybe some votes too.

I haven't been really motivated to write lately and I will write the next chapter if I please just get ONE vote that's all the motivation I need lol. Thanks for reading.

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