Ch. 2

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(Okay I've finally decided that Madison beer is my final choice as to who will play Mila, her photo is above )


"Mila, stop taking your time, hurry up! we have to be there by 4 pm!" I was laying on my bed, Buried with my covers, and trying to avoid having to go to this stupid wedding that my mom is making me go to.

"Yes, I know, I'll be down in like 10 minutes!" I yell back to my mom as I crawl myself out of bed.

I let out a sigh " this should be fun"

I quickly get changed and put on a good amount of makeup, and high inch heels to Match the short, tight, exposing dress that I was wearing. Yes I know......I look like a prostitute, but this is the lifestyle that I chose. Plus even if I wanted to change the way I am, it will take too much time and effort. One wrong move and I can destroy my whole life. I'm just glad my mom supports me on the decisions I make for myself. Not so much my dad though. I can tell he's disappointed in me, but I don't care.

I leave my room, grab my coat and my purse and head downstairs.

"Wow, you look stunning" my mom says as I walk down the stairs. I smile and give her a "thanks"

My dad looks at me with a disgusted look on his face and turns around. I roll my eyes and sit down, patiently waiting  for my date to arrive.

The doorbell rings and my mom goes to open the door.

"Mila, your date is here!"

I stand up and walk towards luke, my boyfriend. I see him smile and then look back at his phone

My mom stops me halfway through and whispers in my ear "what happend to Kevin?"

"we broke up last week mom, now can I go?" I whisper back to her. She's gives me a small smile and lets me go.

"I'll meet you there honey, be safe!" She yells to me

"I will!" I roll my eyes and get in the car with luke and we both stay silent the whole ride

It was pretty awkward. I broke the silence with a simple " how are you doing?"

"Fine" he replies back while still looking at the road. " Luke?" I look at him. "What" he quickly looks at me and then looks back at the road.

"Never mind" I look down and play with my fingers.

He rolls his eyes in a annoyed way.


Well the wedding was boring, it was just people dancing and kissing. The only thing that was actually interesting was when the bride got to throw the Bouquet up in the air. Surprise, i didn't catch it.

I was extremely exhausted by the time we got home. I went straight to bed as soon as I got changed and took off my makeup. I fell asleep the moment I laid on my bed


I wake up to a beating headache. I stand up and slowly walk to the bathroom while putting my hand on top of my forehead.

I reach for the Advil sitting on the counter, and carefully take one and gulp it down with some water.

I take a quick shower and start getting ready for school. Of course since I am pretty well known at my school, I like to dress nicely. Especially for my boyfriend...and other boys I'm trying to impress. I smirk to myself as I look at my appearance in my mirror. I looked pretty good. I wore ripped high waisted jeans, a baggy cute crop top, and some black vans. And then to finish it off I kept my hair down and messy, and put on some light makeup.

I get into my Jeep that my dad bought me for my 16th birthday, and start driving to my school. I meet up with my pretty close friends and my guy friends. I also see Luke walking towards me with a smile on his face. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and grabs my butt making me jump and squeal a little. I let out a small chuckle as me and my 'squad' make our way into the school.

As soon as I walk in I'm greeted with brendon. He and I didn't really end on good terms. I guess you can say I sorta left him on his own after middle school. But it was for a good reason. I mean just look at me now, I'm living my best life.

I see brendon staring at me from the corner of my eye. It was kinda creepy, so I looked back at him. It ended after like 2 seconds. I ignore what just happened and grab my stuff from my locker. I start walking to class after hearing the tardy bell ring.


The bell rings and it's already time for lunch. I quickly get out of the classroom and start paying attention to my phone. I get a message from my dad.

Dad: and you need to talk, it's about your mother.

I stop in the middle of the hallway as I feel myself bump into a pretty large guy. I couldn't really see him cause as soon we bumped all his stuff fell, and he reached down to grab them. I hear him say "sorry". I'm still worried about what my dad was trying to tell me. So I reply to him with a "whatever" .

He quickly get up and faces me and I feel my eyes widen once I see his face. I Immediately look down right after.



Yay I just finished my second chapter!!
I know I left you on the same cliffhanger as last chapter, but this time I gave you milas pov. But don't worry on the next chapter, I'll be sure to tell you what happens after they meet face to face.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it definitely took a while to write. Oh, and I have a feeling you guys will enjoy the next chapter too. Little spoiler: something intense happens🤫🤫

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